
Project Tango Demoed with Qualcomm at SIGGRAPH 2016

Project Tango at this point is probably not new to anyone reading this as we’ve discussed it before, but in the past few years Google has been hard at work making positional tracking and localization into a consumer-ready application. While there was an early tablet available with an Nvidia Tegra SoC inside, there were a number of issues on both hardware and software. As the Tegra SoC was not really designed for workloads that Project Tango puts on a mobile device, much of the work was done on the GPU and CPU, with offloading to dedicated coprocessors like ST-M’s Cortex M3 MCUs for sensor hub and timestamp functionality, computer vision accelerators like a VPU from Movidius, and other chips that ultimately increased BOM and board area requirements.

At SIGGRAPH today Google recapped some of this progress that we’ve seen at Google I/O as far as algorithms go and really polishing the sensor fusion, feature tracking, modeling, texturing, and motion tracking aspects of Tango. Anyone that has tried to do some research into how well smartphones can act as inertial navigation devices will probably know that it’s basically impossible to avoid massive integration error that makes the device require constant location updates from an outside source to avoid drifting.

With Tango, the strategy taken to avoid this problem works at multiple levels. At a high level, sensor fusion is used to combine both camera data and inertial data to cancel out noise from both systems. If you traverse the camera tree, the combination of feature tracking on the cameras as well as depth sensing on the depth sensing camera helps with visualizing the environment for both mapping and augmented reality applications. The combination of a traditional camera and a fisheye camera also allows for a sort of distortion correction and additional sanity checks for depth by using parallax, although if you’ve ever tried dual lens solutions on a phone you can probably guess that this distance figure isn’t accurate enough to rely completely on. These are hard engineering problems, so it hasn’t been until recently that we’ve actually seen programs that can do all of these things reliably. Google disclosed that without using local anchor points in memory that the system drifts at a rate of about 1 meter every 100 meters traversed, so if you never return to previously mapped areas the device will eventually have a non-trivial amount of error. However, if you return to previously mapped areas the algorithms used in Tango will be able to reset its location tracking and eliminate accumulated error.

With the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro, Tango is finally coming to fruition in a consumer-facing way. Google has integrated Tango APIs into Android for the Nougat release this fall. Of course, while software is one part of the equation, it’s going to be very difficult to justify supporting Tango capabilities if it needs all of the previously mentioned coprocessors in addition to the depth sensing camera and fisheye camera sensors.

In order to enable Tango in a way that doesn’t require cutting into battery size or general power efficiency, Qualcomm has been working with Google to make the Tango API run on the Snapdragon SoC in its entirety rather than on dedicated coprocessors. While Snapdragon SoCs generally have a global synchronous clock, Tango really pushes the use of this to its full extent by using this clock on multiple sensors to enable the previously mentioned sensor fusion. In addition to this, processing is done on the Snapdragon 652 or 820’s ISP and Hexagon DSP, as well as the integrated sensor hub with low power island. The end result is that there enabling the Tango APIs requires no processing on the GPU and relatively minimal processing on the CPU such that Tango-enabled applications can run without hitting thermal limits and allowing for more advanced applications using Tango APIs. Qualcomm claimed that less than 10% of cycles on the S652 and S820 are used on the CPU and less than 35% of cycles on the DSP are needed as well. Qualcomm noted in further discussion that the use of Hexagon Vector Extensions would further cut down on CPU usage, and that much of the current CPU usage was on the NEON vector units.

To see how all of this translates Qualcomm showed off the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro with some preloaded demo apps like a home improvement application from Lowe’s which supports size measurements and live preview of appliances in the home with fairly high level of detail. The quality of the augmented reality visualization is actually shockingly good to the extent that the device can differentiate between walls and the floor so you can’t just stick random things in random places, and the placement of objects is static enough that there’s no strange floatiness that often seems to accompany augmented reality. Objects are redrawn fast enough that camera motion results in seamless and fluid motion of virtual objects, and in general I found it difficult to see any real issues in execution.

While Project Tango still seemed to have some bugs to iron out and some features or polish to add, it looks like as it is now the ecosystem has progressed to the point where Tango API features are basically ready for consumers. The environment tracking for true six degree of freedom movement surely has implications for mobile VR headsets as well, and given that only two extra cameras are needed to enable Tango API features it shouldn’t be that difficult for high-end devices to integrate such features, although due to the size of these sensors it may be more targeted towards phablets than regular smartphones.

Autore: AnandTech


Game addict smashes into developer’s office

Revenge attack on the pushers

A Chinese bloke who was so miffed with a company who supplied him with a game which “wrecked his life” that he drove his car through the doors of the office in a bit to “wreck the company.”.

According to the Korea Herald the 33-year-old man crashed a car into the head office of game firm Nexon which makes free-to-play games.

It does not appear that the attack was meant to hurt anyone. It happened on Sunday at around 7am and although the car punched through the glass door little else happened.

The Gyeonggi Bundang Police said they were having a think about what to do about the arrest warrant for the 33-year-old Chinese national surnamed Lee, said the report. After all there are very few Chinese people called Lee in South Korea but this particular one was a tourist who should be out of the country in three months anyway.

Lee told them that he was addicted to games created by the company. He said he had committed the act on impulse after drinking. Yeah, we kind of guessed that one.

Well his blood alcohol level was over the legal limit at around the time of the incident. But he did not exactly have a driver’s licence, which you sort of need to drive a car, even if you are going through a developer’s window. In fact he didn’t really have a car for his protest so he borrowed his brothers who is probably a little cross right now.

Autore: – Home


Disattivare Cortana in Windows 10 Anniversary

Il prossimo 2 agosto debutterà Anniversary Update, secondo importante aggiornamento per Windows 10.
Stando alle ultime indiscrezioni, i tecnici Microsoft potrebbero aver rimosso – dall’interfaccia – l'”interruttore” che fino ad oggi permetteva di disattivare Cortana.

Oggi (build 1511 di Windows 10), infatti, per disattivare Cortana basta cliccare sulla sua icona quindi premere Non mi interessa e Confermo.
In alternativa, dalla casella di ricerca di Windows 10, è sufficiente fare clic sull’icona raffigurante un piccolo ingranaggio quindi porre su No l’impostazione Cortana può offrirti suggerimenti, idee, promemoria, avvisi e altro ancora.

Disattivare Cortana in Windows 10 Anniversary

Con l’arrivo dell’Anniversary Update (build 1607) potrebbe non essere più possibile disabilitare l’assistente digitale Cortana dall’interfaccia di Windows 10.

Agendo sul registro di sistema, tuttavia, sarà possibile disattivare Cortana nel caso in cui non lo si utilizzasse.
Per procedere, basterà avviare l’Editor del registro di sistema, portarsi in corrispondenza della chiave HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search, creare un valore DWORD (32 bit) denominandolo AllowCortana oppure fare clic due volte sullo stesso valore nel caso in cui esistesse già.
Per disattivare Cortana insieme con tutte le sue funzionalità, basterà inserire il valore 0 nel campo Dati valore.

La procedura funziona con tutte le edizioni di Windows 10, Home compresa. I possessori dell’edizione Pro, possono servirsi – in alternativa – dell’Editor delle policy di gruppo (Windows+R, gpedit.msc).
La voce Permetti Cortana, che consente di attivare o disattivare l’assistente digitale di Windows 10, si trova all’interno della sezione Componenti di Windows, Ricerca.



BlackBerry DTEK50 ufficiale, il secondo smartphone Android di BB in Italia a 339€

Tutto confermato. Dopo la pubblicazione anticipata dalle caratteristiche tecniche e delle specifiche del prodotto nel sito ufficiale, BlackBerry ha sollevato ufficialmente il sipario sul DTEK50, il suo secondo smartphone basato sul sistema operativo Android. L’azienda statunitense lo presenta come il dispositivo Android più sicuro al mondo, un obiettivo raggiunto apportando al sistema operativo di Google una serie di modifiche dettagliatamente documentate nel blog ufficiale. Si fa riferimento, ad esempio, alle modifiche apportate al kernel e al bootloader, per arrivare agli algoritmi per la crittografia del disco (standard FIPS 140-2).4 e alla particolare attenzione nel rilasciare in tempi brevi patch per correggere falle nella sicurezza.


Dal punto di vista delle caratteristiche tecniche sono state confermate le specifiche emerse nelle ore scorse. Il terminale si colloca nel segmento dei mid-range, è equipaggiato con display da 5.2″ con risoluzione FullHD, SoC Snapdragon 617, 3GB di RAM, 16GB di storage espandibili sino a 2TB e un comparto fotocamera articolato in quella posteriore da 13 megapixel e quella anteriore da 8 megapixel. La batteria è da 2160 mAh e supporta la ricarica rapida Quick Charge 2.0. Sulla scocca, il cui spessore di 7,4 mm consente a BlackBerry di definire il terminale come il BB più sottile di sempre, è inoltre presente un tasto personalizzabile che permette di avviare, tra l’altro, le app più utilizzate.

La piattaforma software è basata sul sistema operativo Android 6.0 Marshmallow, ma non mancano ulteriori personalizzazioni del produttore, a partire dalla suite di applicazioni EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) e DTEK by BlackBerry (app di sicurezza che monitora le app e avvisa l’utente quando gli aspetti dalla privacy sono a rischio), per arrivare all’apprezzata tastiera (a schermo) BlackBerry Intelligent Keyboard e al BlackBerry Hub. Sempre nell’ottica di fornire strumenti software per soddisfare le esigenze di produttività, anche (se non soprattutto) in ambito aziendale, BlackBerry ha incluso nella dotazione software del DTEK50 anche la suite Android for Work e il Google Play for Work

Chiara quindi la volontà di puntare ad aspetti che fanno parte del DNA di BlackBerry, a partire dall’attenzione per la sicurezza, la privacy e le esigenze dell’utenza aziendale; solidi pilastri su cui strutturare la nuova line-up di smartphone BlackBerry che, anche in futuro, continueranno ad essere basati sul sistema operativo Android. Un cambio di rotta importante rispetto al passato della casa statunitense che ha concluso la lunga esperienza con BlackBerry OS prima e Blackberry 10 dopo (quanto meno sul fronte dell produzione di nuovi terminali basati su tali sistemi operativi). 

A fare la differenza tra il BlackBerry DTEK50 e il gran numero di mid-range Android dovrebbe essere, infatti, nelle intenzioni dell’azienda, il valore aggiunto rappresentato dalle soluzioni sviluppate per garantire gli aspetti della sicurezza e della produttività personale. Un approccio già proposto con il BlackBerry Priv, rispetto al quale il nuovo DTEK50 ha il vantaggio di costare molto meno

BlackBerry DTEK50 può essere preordinato collegandosi allo store online ufficiale del produttore. Le informazioni relative al mercato italiano fanno riferimento al prezzo di 339 euro e ad un bundle comprendente il power bank da 12600 mAh con due porte USB (1 con uscita da 1A e 1 con uscita 2A) e 1 in formato microUSB per la ricarica della batteria integrata nel power bank. Le consegne prenderanno il via nella seconda settimana di agosto. Per ulteriori informazioni si rimanda alla scheda prodotto presente nello store online di BlackBerry.

Autore: Le news di Hardware Upgrade


Siggraph 2016 surveyed

It’s intelligence, but not as we know it, Jim 

SIGGRAPH 2016 is now in its third day. For those of you not in the loop, SIGGRAPH is the annual conference on computer graphics convened by the ACM SIGGRAPH organization.

Although most of the coverage you are seeing from this show is revolving around software/hardware companies, showing their latest wares or making product announcements, SIGGRAPH is much more than the exhibition hall that we have been reading about on the various news sites.

The conference is attended by tens of thousands of computer graphics professionals, who gather to exchange ideas, share their work, and learn about new techniques.

This year’s studio production sessions include presentations from leading technology companies to major Hollywood studios.

“Deadpool” + Colossus: our favorite [anti] superheroes

From armadillo to zebra: creating the diverse characters and world of “Zootopia”

Industrial light & magic presents the visual effects of “Star Wars: the Force Awakens”

“Kubo and the Two Strings”: one giant skeleton, one colossal undertaking

The making of Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War”

           The making of “Pearl,” a Google spotlight story

The VFX of Disney’s “The Jungle Book”

Under the Sea: the making of “Finding Dory”

In the emerging technologies exhibit area there are over 20 installations showcasing work from many sub-divisions of interactive techniques, with a special emphasis on projects that explore science, high-resolution, digital-cinema technologies, and interactive art-science narratives.

New applications for technologies including AR and VR have been the focus this year. One direction for both AR and VR has been standing out is that of teaching. One demo allowed users to enter an interactive archeology site, while another provided a safety training experience.


We have been tweeting live from the show, so be sure to follow us on Twitter so follow @FUDZILLANEWS for the latest information from the show floor, product announcements and even goofy pictures.

Autore: – Home