
Georgina Rodríguez mit Kids bei Portugal-Niederlage im Stadion

Author: klatsch-tratsch

Georgina Rodríguez verfolgte Portugals Spiel gegen Georgien von der Tribüne. (ncz/spot)


SpotOn NewsSpotOn News | 26.06.2024, 23:30 Uhr

Cristiano Ronaldo und Portugal mussten im letzten Spiel der Gruppenphase eine Niederlage einstecken. Da half auch Support von Partnerin Georgina Rodríguez und den gemeinsamen Kids auf der Tribüne nichts.

Bei ihrem letzten Spiel in der Gruppenphase haben sich die Portugiesen offenbar etwas zu sehr auf ihrer Position als vorzeitiger Gruppensieger ausgeruht: Gegen EM-Außenseiter Georgien konnte die Elf um Cristiano Ronaldo (39) in der Gelsenkirchener Veltins Arena kein einziges Tor schießen und musste sich mit einem 2:0 geschlagen geben. Da half auch aller familiärer Support von der Tribüne nichts.

Georgina Rodríguez mit Kindern auf der Tribüne

Und davon gab es für Ronaldo reichlich: Partnerin Georgina Rodríguez (30) war mit mindestens drei der fünf Kinder des portugiesischen Fußballstars auf Schalke dabei. Fotos zeigen, wie das spanische Model im Portugal-Trikot mit Söhnchen Mateo (7) auf dem Schoß und Töchterchen Alana (6) an ihrer Seite, gespannt auf das Spielfeld blickt. Ronaldos ältester Sohn Cristiano Jr. (14) war ebenfalls mit dabei.

In ihrer Instagram-Story teilte Rodríguez im Vorfeld mehrere Fotos von ihrem Weg zum Stadion, darunter ein Selfie mit dem siebenjährigen Mateo und ein Foto, auf dem ein Portugal-Fan vorm Stadion ein Schild mit der Aufschrift “Georgina > Georgia” hochhebt.

Für Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo ist es bereits die sechste Teilnahme an einer Europameisterschaft, seit er 2004 erstmals für die portugiesische Nationalmannschaft auflief. 2016 wurde er Europameister. Als Sieger der Gruppe F trifft das portugiesische Team im Achtelfinale am 2. Juli auf Slowenien.



Manicura BIAB, la técnica similar a la manicura de gel que deja un efecto fortalecedor en tu uña

Author: mujerhoy

Marta López Ogando

Con la llegada del verano y del buen tiempo
las manicuras se encuentran en su momento álgido y muchas personas acuden a los salones de manicura para apostar por las uñas de tendencia de la temporada. La
manicura semipermanente y la de gel son las favoritas y las más populares, pero, no la única opción ya que quizás para las uñas quebradizas no son las mejor técnicas si no la usamos adecuadamente.

En los últimos años, para esas uñas con tendencia quebradiza la
manicura dip powder era una de las técnicas a las que más recurrían las profesionales. Ahora, la
manicura BIAB es una de las más utilizadas. ¿En qué consiste realmente? Sofya Khasanova, cofundadora de Siberia Nails y Lara López, CEO de Le Salon Nails nos explican las claves de esta técnica.

Realmente la manicura BIAB no es una técnica específica que está presente en todos los salones. Se refiere a una
gama creada dentro de la marca británica The Gel Bottle que cada vez está cobrando más popularidad. Sofya Khasanova explica que «es una manicura realizada con una base de gel constructor. Creada por los técnicos de la marca británica The Gel Bottle, nace con el acrónimo BIAB (Builder in a Bottle), que se traduce como un producto diseñado para la extensión en el formato de un bote».

¿Realmente qué sería entonces? Khasanova prosigue y explica que «se trata de un
gel pigmentado, flexible y fortalecedor, que se puede emplear tanto para esculpir uñas como para la aplicación de una base, ya que endurece y fortalece la uña natural». Para Lara López, «esta técnica es maravillosa para fortalecer la uña y poder así llevarlas más largas».

Cómo hacer la manicura BIAB

El paso a paso de esta manicura es
similar al de una semipermanente, Khasanova explica que «BIAB suele tener una consistencia ligeramente más espesa que las uñas de gel, pero los resultados visuales no son diferentes». La profesional destaca que es un proceso que «dura aproximadamente hora y media en el salón y primero el técnico prepara las uñas dándoles forma y recortando las cutículas en el modo habitual».

El siguiente paso, prosigue la experta, es «con
una lima para uña natural de grano 180/240, se lima suavemente la capa superficial de la uña dejándola porosa para que posteriormente el gel se adhiera bien a la uña». Por último, sería «la aplicación del gel BIAB en capa fina o con un refuerzo según el tipo y el largo de la uña. El gel se debe de curar en la lámpara LED durante unos 60 segundos. Una vez seco, la manicura se puede finalizar con
top coat si se quiere obtener un tono limpio o natural o se puede añadir un color de esmalte».

Mujer con las uñas pintadas

Mujer con las uñas pintadas /


Diferencias con la manicura gel

Los expertos comentan que la manicura BIAB es
más beneficiosa en algunos aspectos que la manicura de gel. Lara López de Le Salon Nails destaca que «se diferencia de la gel, no es la forma de hacerse sino en algún componente, puesto que este tiene ácido acrílico y fosfato».

Por su parte, Sofya Khasanova considera que «el gel en bote proporciona el mismo acabado duradero y brillante que un gel o acrílico, pero, al mismo tiempo fortalece las uñas naturales, es decir, no sólo se usa para extender la uña, sino que se puede aplicar sobre el largo de uña natural». La profesional afirma que «hoy en día, BIAB es la mejor alternativa respecto a otros esmaltes en gel. Se puede aplicar en capas finas como capa base para añadir una capa extra de durabilidad a cualquier manicura. Además, es muy práctico y fácil de aplicar en comparación a un gel o un acrílico. Es fantástico para
mantener las uñas largas, fuertes y sanas».

Para quién está indicada esta manicura

Lara López de Le Salon Nails explica que «está
indicada para cualquier uña, sobre todo, si queremos crear un largo a nuestra medida o simplemente crear una capa fortalecedora para así poderlas llevar más largas».

Por su parte, Khasanova de Siberia Salon considera que «es una
solución ideal para uñas naturales finas que requieren ser reforzadas y para uñas con desperfectos en su superficie. Al aplicar el gel en bote, con la técnica de nivelación, se arreglan todos los desperfectos de la uña. Es la técnica ideal, también para personas que se muerden las uñas, porque quedan más resistentes a los mordiscos».

Manicura BIAB en casa

¿Es posible realizar la manicura BIAB en casa? Las profesionales consideran que sí, pero, en el caso de Lara López,
no la recomienda «ya que requiere de bastantes productos, además de una técnica a la hora de realizarla en casa. Recomendamos acudir a profesionales para este tipo de manicura».

Por su parte, Khasanova afirma que «puedes
comprar tu propio kit y arreglarte las uñas en casa para ahorrar algo de dinero. Esta opción es posible dadas las características del producto, que se puede aplicar en una capa fina y es más fácil de aplicar si no eres un profesional de las uñas». La experta manicurista recomienda tener «gel en bote (BIAB), top coat, lima de grano 180/240, una lámpara de secado y el color deseado». Con todo esto, se produce un ahorro económico a la hora de realizar la manicura, pero sí es cierto que se pierde la versatilidad a nivel tonos que te ofrece un salón de manicura profesional.


Gironde : quatre jeunes hommes périssent dans un accident de la route, ce que fait un témoin est révoltant – Closer



  • Le 24 juin, un homme de 24 ans a été condamné à six mois
    de prison ferme pour avoir filmé les corps de quatre jeunes tués
    dans un accident de la route.
  • La condamnation fait suite à la publication de la vidéo
    choquante sur les réseaux sociaux.
  • Son acte a été jugé comme portant gravement atteinte à la
    dignité humaine et prolongeant la douleur des familles des

Ce lundi 24 juin, la justice a condamné un Libournais de 24 ans
à six mois de prison ferme. Le coupable avait filmé les
de quatre jeunes, tués dans un accident de la route
en Gironde, dans la nuit du 1er au 2 juin.

L’homme de 24 ans a diffusé la vidéo sur les réseaux

Gironde : un homme condamné pour un geste choquant

Dans la nuit du 1er au 2 juin 2024, ce Libournais
découvre les corps de quatre jeunes tués dans un
accident de la route
, en Gironde. Le témoin décide alors de
filmer la scène et de publier la vidéo sur
. Un geste odieux qui lui a valu d’être condamné
par le tribunal de Libourne ce 24 juin, selon Sud Ouest. Le jeune homme a écopé de
six mois de

On n’est pas là pour juger le responsable de l’accident,
mais celui qui a fait durer la douleur des
“, a déclaré l’avocate de l’une des parties
civiles, relayée par Sud Ouest.

Un geste qui porte atteinte à la
dignité humaine

Devant le tribunal, le Girondin a nié les faits en boucle. Les
conclusions de l’enquête ont pourtant avéré sa présence sur les
lieux de l’accident
qui a couté la vie à quatre jeunes. Les policiers présents aussi
sur place ont déclaré que le témoin “déambulait au milieu des
s”. Ils ont également assuré lui avoir “plusieurs fois
demandé de partir”.

Quelques jours après l’accident, les forces de l’ordre avaient
placé l’homme en garde à vue. Il a été condamné ce 24 juin pour
diffusion d’un message susceptible d’être vu ou perçu par un
mineur à caractère violent ou de nature à porter
gravement atteinte à la dignité humaine
“. Sa
peine a été aménagée en porte d’un bracelet électronique.


Emis Killa papà bis: annuncia la nascita del secondo figlio e svela come lo ha chiamato – | News sul Gossip e VIP


  • Il rapper 34enne che canta in coppia con Fedez ha dato l’annuncio dopo una settimana
  • Era già genitore di Perla Blue, avuta il 17 agosto 2018 dall’ex Tiffany Fortini

Emis Killa sorprende tutti. E’ papà bis. Sul social annuncia la nascita del suo secondo figlio e svela come ha chiamato il piccolo. Il bimbo, un tenero maschietto, è venuto alla luce il 18 giugno scorso, ma il rapper 34enne lo ha confidato ai follower solo ora. Già genitore di Perla Blue, avuta il 17 agosto 2018 dall’ex Tiffany Fortini, ha accolto in famiglia Romeo, il primo bambino avuto dalla compagna Martina Bottiglieri, classe 1992, con cui sta insieme da circa due anni.

Emis Killa papà bis: annuncia la nascita del secondo figlio e svela come lo ha chiamato

“Non sono mai stato molto aperto sulla mia vita privata ma mi sembra giusto informarvi che una settimana fa, 18-06-2024 è nato mio figlio Romeo. Tanti auguri a noi”, scrive Killa nelle sue storie. “Ovviamente il grazie più grande va a lei”, aggiunge riferendosi a Martina. La neomamma condivide alcune foto con figlioletto e rivela a tutti la sua felicità: “Una settimana fa alle 20:33 è nato il nostro cuore Romeo. Non esiste miracolo gioia ed emozione più immensa. Mette anche cuori rossi e il segno dell’infinito.

Il rapper 34enne che canta in coppia con Fedez ha dato l’annuncio dopo una settimana
Già genitore di Perla Blue, avuta il 17 agosto 2018 dall’ex Tiffany Fortini, ha avuto il primo bebè dalla compagna Martina Bottiglieri

Il cantate poi vuole ringraziare chi ha fatto sì che il parto sia andato nel migliore dei modi: “Mi sento inoltre di ringraziare con tutto il cuore lo staff dell’ospedale Buzzi per il modo in cui ci hanno accolto/trattato per tutta la permanenza. Un grosso grazie anche ai nostri amici e alla nostra famiglia per l’affetto con cui si sono messi a disposizione in tutti i modi possibili”.


Euro 2024: BBC Sport pundits have their say on England and what should happen next

Author: BBC Sport

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England have made it through to the knockout stage of Euro 2024 and are preparing for a last-16 game on Sunday in Gelsenkirchen against Slovakia (17:00 BST).

But their underwhelming performances in three group games against Serbia, Denmark and Slovenia raised more questions than answers.

The Three Lions have been low on energy and low in entertainment value in Germany.

At the end of Tuesday’s 0-0 draw with Slovenia there were boos from England’s fans in Cologne, some of whom threw plastic cups in Gareth Southgate’s direction as the manager went to show his appreciation for their support.

What needs to change if England are to go deep in the tournament? Why are the Three Lions misfiring? Are we all overreacting? After all, England have advanced as Group C winners.

BBC Sport pundits deliver their verdict on what needs to happen next.

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What’s the biggest thing England need to improve?

Stat: Before Wednesday’s games, England’s average xG of 2.26 for their three group games – which measures the quality of chances created – put them 19th out of 24 teams. Their total shots of 29 and shot conversion rate of 6.9% ranked them 17th.

Former England striker Alan Shearer, speaking on The Rest Is Football podcast: “The stats are pretty damning in terms of England creating chances. When you look at the talent we have got in forward positions – which we all thought was going to be one of our strengths – actually that hasn’t fired at all yet.

“We can massively improve and we are going to have to.”

Former England captain Gary Lineker, speaking on The Rest Is Football podcast: “I still seriously worry about the tactical approach of the team. Phil Foden is one of the best number 10s in world football. I think there is a lack of balance to the team and I find it really, really strange that he doesn’t play somebody on the left side that plays on the left side.

“I saw a little bit of spark in the players [against Slovenia] that if they do get the right set-up and play high, aggressively and brave, then I think they could do really well. Do I think he [Gareth Southgate] will play that way? No, I don’t sadly.”

Former England forward Ellen White: “Our tempo. When we move the ball at speed, I don’t think anyone can live with us. It happened in flashes against Slovenia, for example with our disallowed goal, but it didn’t happen enough.”

Former England midfielder Danny Murphy: “It is probably the urgency of our play, or lack of it. But that high tempo we all want to see is linked to the manager’s message really. It has to be a consistent theme coming from the manager to give the players the belief and freedom to be able to do it.”

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Why do players look worse than for their clubs?

Stat: Before Wednesday’s games, England had created the second highest ‘build-up attacks’ (16) by putting together the second highest number of 10+ passing sequences of any team, leading to seven ‘big chances’. However, they had just one ‘direct attack’ on three games – putting them 20th on that metric.

Former England striker Wayne Rooney: “There are so many really good attacking players in the team – Harry Kane, Phil Foden, Jude Bellingham, Bukayo Saka. We are seeing them perform on a weekly basis for their clubs. There is certainly a problem.”

Danny Murphy: “So many of our players, the Arsenal and Manchester City boys and Jude Bellingham at Real Madrid for example, are used to playing high-tempo and high-energy football on the front foot for their clubs, and that way of playing is drilled into them every day of the week.

“With England they are asked to play a different way because Gareth Southgate is a bit more cautious with his set-up. Here, it looks like many of them are trying to play in a way they are not used to and it is creating a lack of cohesion and lack of belief in what they are doing.”

Ellen White: “You are with your club day in, day out and you know the other players so well because you train together for so many hours a day for weeks and months, and are constantly playing in games together too, so you have that cohesion.

“I am not making excuses but you just don’t get enough time for it to be the same with the national side, and on top of that we are trying to fit so many talented players into one team and find the right system to fit them into, and after a long season as well.”

Are we all overreacting?

Stat: Before Wednesday’s games, the quality of chances teams create against England was the lowest in the Euros – an xGa measurement of 1.15.

One goal conceded and two clean sheets puts England second behind Spain in both those measurements, with Jordan Pickford setting a new England clean sheets record for men’s major tournaments (11 total).

Alan Shearer: “Pickford hasn’t had to make many saves. I don’t think defensively is a problem.”

Gary Lineker: “What I did see in the second half against Slovenia was energy and I haven’t seen energy – apart from the first half an hour of the first game – in the other performances.

“But in this particular performance – apart from the fact they didn’t score any goals against the team ranked 4,000th in the world – I thought there was enough in there.

“There were downsides, but there were real positives – particularly when Cole Palmer came on. We know we have got a lot of talented players but this kid might well be the best of the lot.”

Danny Murphy: “We are watching this football at the moment which we are not enjoying – it is a bit safe, a little pragmatic and perhaps even cumbersome at times.

“Our defensive record and our defensive structure are both very good, but I think we would all like to see a bit of a swing in balance of a more attacking emphasis.”

Ellen White: “Our defensive performances have been a massive positive and we do have to give more credit to how well the backline and Jordan Pickford have done – if we were conceding goals and constantly chasing games then that would be a huge concern.”

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What gives you most hope?

Alan Shearer: “Positives are we top of the group – we miss a lot of the big hitters on the other side of the draw now.”

Gary Lineker: “This England team when they play high look much better. There was a spell in the second half for about 15 minutes when they pressed really high and they kept winning the ball back. It was almost like Manchester City.”

Ellen White: “The spark I saw in the second half against Slovenia and the way we were moving the ball in waves. I love the fact this team did not give up. They have had a lot of criticism in the past few days but they really did show in that second half that they really want to perform well here.”

Danny Murphy: “The urgency I sensed from the players to try to get the job done and win the match on Tuesday as the game drew on. That was the first time I had seen it here, and there was an intensity about what England were doing.”

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What should the XI be for Sunday and why?

Alan Shearer: “We saw more in three or four minutes when Anthony Gordon came on than we have seen in the three games we have had. No doubt about it that Gareth has to make changes, particularly on either side and one in the middle of the park.”

Former England defender Micah Richards, speaking on The Rest Is Football podcast: “I would start Anthony Gordon. I might even start Cole Palmer as well. I’d give Bukayo Saka a rest on the right-hand side and I’d put Gordon on the left, put Phil Foden inside and maybe play Jude Bellingham a little bit deeper with Declan Rice.”

Ellen White: “For me it would be Kobbie Mainoo coming in for Conor Gallagher, next to Declan Rice.”

Danny Murphy: “Gareth Southgate is not going to do this but I would play Cole Palmer on the right. Phil Foden as the 10 and Anthony Gordon on the left with Harry Kane up top.”

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