Pc Games

Annunciata con un teaser trailer la data d’uscita del terzo episodio di Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Author: Ultime news PC |

Hell is Empty è il terzo e ultimo episodio della serie Life is Strange: Before the Storm, in cui l’amicizia tra Chloe e Rachel Amber raggiungerà il suo apice più drammatico, costringendo le due ragazze a prendere alcune delle decisioni più dure della loro vita. Sarà lanciato il 20 dicembre su PC, Xbox One e PlayStation 4.

Per annunciare la data, Square Enix ha pubblicato un breve teaser trailer, che precede il trailer completo di domani, pubblicato alle 9:30 a.m. PT / 12:30 p.m. ET / 5:30 p.m. GMT, in cui vedremo Chloe disperata di fronte agli eventi che la stanno travolgendo e che concluderanno la storia.


¿Podrá Pinilla levantar su primer título a nivel de clubes?

Author: News – Español – España

La U es el tercer candidato a quedarse con la corona del Transición. Si se dan ciertos resultados, el atacante podría cortar una negra estadística.

Mauricio Pinilla llegó a Universidad de Chile con una triste marca o con una posibilidad inmejorable de romper un maleficio, depende cómo se vea el vaso. Es que el delantero (33 años), a nivel de clubes, nunca pudo celebrar un título.

Posibilidades, claro está, no le faltaron: Pinigol, en su extensa carrera, jugó en 13 equipos y participó en siete ligas. Vistió las camisetas de los azules, Chievo Verona, Celta de Vigo, Sporting de Lisboa, Racing de Santander, Heart of Midlothian FC, Vasco da Gama, Apollon Limassol, Grosseto, Palermo, Cagliari, Genoa y Atalanta. Compitió en Chile, Italia, España, Portugal, Escocia, Brasil y Chipre. El resultado fue el mismo: ninguna medalla.

El gran consuelo lo tuvo defendiendo al seleccionado chileno. Con La Roja sí que hizo historia, ganando la Copa América 2015 y la Copa América Centenario 2016.

El artículo sigue a continuación

Al cierre del Torneo de Transición, su equipo tiene .aunque lejana- la chance de coronarse si se dan ciertos resultados. Para ello, necesita que Colo Colo, líder del certamen, pierda en su visita a Huachipato, que Unión Española no gane ante Everton y que el equipo de Ángel Guillermo Hoyos derrote a Deportes Iquique para apelar recién a una final por el título ante el Cacique.

Repasa los números de la campaña azul:


Microsoft exec addresses 64-bit on Snapdragon

Author: fudo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fuad Abazovic) – Home

Exclusive: 64-bit SDK coming

We had a chance to ask Erin Chappelle GM of the Windows and device group and lead on Windows 10 on Snapdragon about the lack of 64-bit emulation support at launch.

Erin Chapple General Manager, Microsoft As a General Manager in the Windows and Devices Group was the right person to ask why the Windows 10 on Snapdragon is missing the 64-bit emulation application support. She also leads the team delivering the base components of the operating system including the Kernel, Hypervisor, Containers and Storage and was certainly the right person to address this elephant in the room.

64 Bit on ARM in the future

Erin confirmed Fudzilla that the Microsoft was considering the 64-bit emulation support for the future, but it was a time to market and executive decision that prevented 64-bit to be supported at launch. Microsoft will enable 64-bit SDK for developers and this might be the way to optimize the applications going forwarded. Our understanding is that if Adobe comes up with an idea that they want to make a native Photoshop for ARM, Microsoft and its SDK will be there to help.

Erin also said that most X64 applications in the market are the high-end games. This is not what the Snapdragon platform is tailored for. At the Snapdragon technology summit in beautiful Maui Hawaii, it was pointed out by Erin as well as Terry Myerson, executive vice president of the Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft pointed out that always connected PC is a completely new market for Microsoft.  

Always connected PC is the new market

Of course Microsoft sees a potential as the company has invested a lot of time and resources into the Windows on Snapdragon, always connected PC project. The motivation is very straightforward. Microsoft wants to get into the new markets as they do realize that people need the connectivity on modern devices.

HP Envy X2 device comes with 4GB or RAM while Asus NovaGo always connected Snapdragon 835 device comes with up to 8GB memory. While the OS can support 8GB of memory, the applications will be limited to 4GB. This might become an issue in some extreme scenarios but both Qualcomm and Microsoft pointed out that these devices are targeting casual, every day use market, rather than the high end video editing professionals.

You start with a market where you have a good value proposition and in this case this was the consumer market. In the future Microsoft hopes to bring the always connected PC idea to the enterprise who will benefit the security and cloud opportunities of a mobility that 4G and 5G for the enterprise.

Snapdragon 835 devices are it seems first of many to come. There is an opportunity for higher and as well as lower cost devices. This is what Miguel Nunes Director of Product management for Windows on Snapdragon and Erin Chapple left us with.

Digital Audio

CMI V Tutorials: Episode 4 – Using Spectral Synthesis in CMI V

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File manager Android e pulitore automatico: Google Files Go è per tutti


File manager Android e pulitore automatico: Google Files Go è per tutti

Google rilascia Files Go e lo pubblica sul Play Store: da oggi è installabile da tutti gli utenti.

Insieme con l’annuncio di Android Oreo Go Edition (Android Oreo Go Edition funziona sugli smartphone dotati di 1 GB di RAM o meno), versione del sistema operativo pensata per i dispositivi dotati di una configurazione hardware modesta, Google ha reso disponibile per tutti l’app Files Go.

Files Go è un file manager per Android semplicissimo e pratico da utilizzare che integra anche un pulitore automatico per la rimozione dei file inutili ancora memorizzati sul dispositivo e un meccanismo per la condivisione rapida dei file con i dispositivi vicini senza disporre di una connessione di rete.

File manager Android e pulitore automatico: Google Files Go è per tutti

Nell’articolo abbiamo pubblicato una recensione dettagliata di Files Go che adesso è scaricabile dal Play Store di Google a questo indirizzo.