
RFIDGlobal, l’Internet delle Cose a servizio dell’impresa

Author: Alessandro Crea Tom’s Hardware

La tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) non è una soluzione nuova, ma la sua capacità di gestire l’identificazione e/o memorizzazione automatica di informazioni inerenti oggetti, animali o persone può essere utilizzata con molto profitto anche nell’emergente settore dell’Internet delle Cose, se implementata con intelligenza e know how. Per questo l’azienda bresciana Softwork, forte della sua esperienza nel settore, ha creato da qualche anno un brand dedicato, RFIDGlobal, che, sulla base di una tecnologia ben nota e affidabile, propone servizi di nuova generazione, smart e a valore aggiunto.

I prodotti disponibili a listino sono tantissimi, dai transponder RFID attivi o passivi fino alle soluzioni di pagamento contactless, ma sono gli ambiti in cui possono essere implementate a fare davvero la differenza.

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È possibile ad esempio utilizzare questa tecnologia per realizzare sistemi di controllo degli accessi e sicurezza nei cantieri, ma anche per tracciare gli spostamenti delle merci in ambito logistico o per implementare soluzioni anti contraffazione sia per il mercato alimentare che quello dell’abbigliamento, arrivando fino all’ambito consumer, aprendo scenari inediti, dai pagamenti alla rilevazione della presenza o del transito di persone, pensiamo ad esempio al cronometraggio nelle gare sportive.

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Con la tecnologia RFID inoltre è possibile realizzare anche sistemi di interazione ludica, attraverso l’integrazione di IoT e Realtà Aumentata ad esempio, per accrescere ulteriormente l’impatto emotivo ed informativo dell’esperienza vissuta: si pensi ai percorsi espositivi di musei e mostre o ai sentieri all’aperto di siti archeologici e parchi divertimento.

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Insomma, una tecnologia matura come l’identificazione tramite radiofrequenza, se implementata in abbinamento ad altre più attuali come il cloud o la realtà aumentata, può dar vita a una serie pressoché infinita di servizi a valore aggiunto, in grado di semplificare l’interazione in una molteplicità di ambiti, da quelli più professionali e aziendali a quelli legati al tempo libero e all’intrattenimento.


Not Your Father’s UPS: Latest Models Offer Improved Efficiency, Management, Batteries and More

Author: Gael Souchet Schneider Electric Blog

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) technology has changed quite a bit over the past several years, with newer devices offering far more intelligence and energy efficiency than previous generations. Electrical contractors charged with helping customers choose the right UPS for their various applications would do well to understand the various features and functions that UPSs now provide – so they can help customers choose wisely.

Let’s start with energy efficiency. So-called “eco-mode” UPSs have been around for more than a decade, but only now are beginning to gain traction, thanks to some advancements in the technology.  The idea is to reduce the power loss involved in the double power conversion process – from AC to DC and back again – that’s involved in “cleaning” utility power. In eco-mode, UPSs bypass that process most of the time, until it detects a power quality issue.


That technology never caught on in a big way because it took a few milliseconds for the conversion process to kick in – an unacceptable risk in many instances. A new form of eco mode gets around the issue by constantly running the power inverter, but stopping short of performing the full power conditioning and double conversion when it’s not warranted. However, because the converter is always running, it can kick in immediately when needed.

Schneider Electric calls this technology ECOnversion and finds it delivers efficiency that may occasionally drop below the 99% efficiency that’s possible with traditional eco modes, but sacrifices nothing in reliability. (To learn more, click here to read Schneider Electric Application Note #187, “Galaxy VM High Efficiency Modes.”)

Beyond the choice of operating mode, different UPS models come with various functions that may prove useful depending on the customer application in question. Following are some common features to look for:

  • Remote management: Many UPSs now have Web interfaces or can accept network management cards that enable remote UPS monitoring from any Internet-connected computer and, in some cases, two-way UPS management – allowing for a centralized IT or facilities group to manage all UPSs.
  • Automatic shutdown: When the UPS detects a disruption in utility power, it can automatically perform a graceful shutdown of attached devices. This is important for devices such as IT servers and medical equipment that must be shut down in an orderly fashion to avoid lengthy restarts or damage. In some cases, the commands are customizable by UPS port. For example, customers may want a server to shut down only if the UPS is in danger of running out of battery power.
  • Notification of power loss: Various UPS models will issue an alert when they detect a loss of utility power, or even when power conditions vary from predefined thresholds. The alerts may include audible alarms, alerts sent to a management console, and email or text messages.
  • Battery replacement warning: Similarly, UPSs will issue a warning when their batteries are getting to the point that they can no longer accept a charge. This is an important feature for any UPS, as it’s easy for customers to forget about a UPS once it’s installed, and neglect routine maintenance ­– like checking battery life.
  • Status display: In instances where there is no centralized UPS management, customers will want to be able to check the status of the device at a glance. Some UPS models have LCD indicators for attributes including load status and runtime, and graphs that indicate battery life.
  • Event log: The ability to maintain an event log is important for troubleshooting and for companies that want to track historical trends.
  • Environmental: UPSs can also report on environmental conditions that may adversely affect their performance. An environment that’s too hot or cold, for example, can shorten battery life.

Which brings us to another consideration: battery options. Most traditional UPSs relied on lead-acid batteries to store power. They work well, but carry significant weight and take up quite a bit of space. Now Lithium-ion batteries are making their way to UPSs, offering far more energy storage in a much smaller space, at about 30% less weight. What’s more, they require far less maintenance than lead-acid batteries. Click here to learn more about what Li-ion batteries mean for UPSs and how they enable the latest generation of the technology to apply to even more use cases.


‘We are in shock’: Katie Price reveals heartbreak after one of her horses is killed in a car accident

Author: Anna Francis CelebsNow

Fans have sent Katie supportive messages after this sad incident

Katie Price has spoken of her devastation after one of her beloved horses was killed in a car accident.

The glamour model – who is known for her love of all things equestrian – is still in shock following the incident, which occurred when the animal escaped from its field with others and ran onto the A24 in Sussex on Monday evening.


MORE: Katie Price offers racy advice to Cara De La Hoyde to help her go into labour

To add to the distress Katie was upset to see that someone had apparently posted photos of the dead horse on social media.

‘Last night our friends horses including one of ours escaped from their field and ran onto the Road we are devastated 😩,’ the 39-year-old wrote alongside an image of the smashed car.

‘We are extremely upset to find out one of our horses was killed last night being hit by a car and don’t appreciate that someone was circulating pictures of our horse dead in the road and put on Facebook!’

Fortunately Katie says that the driver escaped uninjured and she has wished them well after the shock accident, as well as thanking local police for their help.

‘Thank god the driver of this car was very lucky and escaped and wish him well, police were amazing and so was the local community and thank them all !’ the mum-of-five wrote.

‘Our friends other 4 horses thank god are alive with a couple of them injured and are still being treated by the vet and will be ok !

‘We are in shock still and reminds me again of the time in Argentina when I was involved in a horrific car accident when the car I was in killed two horses that died in my arms’

Fans have been sending supportive messages to Katie following the sad news.

‘Aww Katie, how awful.. I’m so sorry to hear your sad news.. Devastating for you all..,’ one follower commented, whilst another said: ‘Love and hugs to everyone involved’

Here at Now we also send our condolences to Katie and love to everyone involved in the incident.

Digital Audio

Introducing the Waves Bass Slapper Virtual Instrument

Slapping, thumbing, popping, sliding, muting – Bass Slapper can do it all, with the articulation of a seasoned bass player and with the world’s most extensive slap bass sample library. Learn more:

Digital Audio

Vengeance Producer Suite – Avenger – Effects: EDM XP Demo

Get ready for the most dancefloor destroying effect risers of all time: Vengeance Effects:EDM edition is here and its a beast of an expansion pack! The break is the most important part of your song, its where everyone screams and the hands go up high. This expansion offers this with the press of one key! it follows your songtempo seamlessy and you can decide which pitch to start/end. You can chose from endless risers, complex risers with drums and sweeping effects, brute pulsating risers, smooth up/downlifters, drum fills (short or very long) and of course many normal EDM sounds for your drop (as heard in the demo) and many EDM drumkits. But the best thing is: these effect sounds go on and on, higher and higher till the absolute fx-nirvana where other libraries already would have stopped! this expansion adds to your library: 129 Avenger presets 48 new drumkits/seqs
6 new granular samples 112 new multisamples
23 new osc-shapes 22 new wavetables