
Mutui: tirano ancora le surroghe


Confermato l’aumento le richieste di nuovi mutui e surroghe da parte delle famiglie italiane anche nel mese di ottobre con un incremento del 21% rispetto allo stesso mese dello scorso anno. E’ quanto emerge dal Barometro Crif che evidenzia come, dall’inizio dell’anno, il numero di interrogazioni relative a nuovi mutui e surroghe ha segnato una crescita del +12,6% rispetto al pari periodo del 2015.

Un ulteriore segnale positivo emerge dall’analisi dell’importo medio richiesto: nel mese di ottobre si è attestato a 123.516 euro, superiore ai 120.148 euro rilevati nel corrispondente mese del 2015.


Il valore resta ancora distante rispetto ai 136.000 euro del periodo 2009-2011, ma va ricordato come oggi rispetto ad allora sia decisamente maggiore la quota dei mutui di sostituzione e surroga che, per natura, sono di importo inferiore rispetto a quello dei nuovi mutui.

La crescita del comparto si deve in buona parte alla crescita delle compravendite residenziali, balzate del 23% nel secondo trimestre 2016 e tuttora vivaci, in grado di sopperire al contrarsi della componente di surroghe. Sul fronte dell’offerta, invece, si registra una leggera revisione al rialzo delle condizioni contrattuali dopo tre anni di ribasso degli spread.

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Autore: Blog Network Posts


10 Amazing Science Experiments and Fire Tricks!

This video is a compilation of 10 cool Science Experiments and tricks that you can do at home using everyday household items. Today we are here with some of the coolest science experiments you and your little one can try at home.All of these tricks can be dangerous so please use extreme caution when performing these experiments. Use safety glasses, gloves, well ventilated areas and adult supervision!!!10 Amazing Tricks and Cool Science Experiments:(00:05) How to make an artificial or instant snow. For the experiment was used water and sodium polyacrylate. It is called also superabsorbent polymer. It can absorb more than 99% of water and also expand up to 100 times its size. It is cool Science Experiment for kids. (02:03) Cool trick how to light a match against another match. You can use this fire trick on the party. Its awesome trick with matches.(03:23)How to light a matches without matchbox. Cool Fire Experiment with matches. Can be used as fire starter as well.(04:28) How to Keep Fire in Your Hands Thanks To Flammable Sanitizer (Be careful as when you choose wrong type of sanitizer you can burn your hands. This is really very cool fire trick.(05:10) How To Light Match with a Rubber. (It is a simple trick with matches that I like a like a lot. However the match has to be slightly adjusted to be flammable like that. It is trick so it will not work with usual matches) (05:43) Science Experiment with coke and chlorine. What happen when you mix coke and chlorine together. Be careful as chlorine is very dangerous. (06:25)How to exchange 2 different liquids in the glasses. Very cool Science Experiments!(07:03) How to get liquids inside the glass from the plate. (07:27) How to make ice or freeze coke from normal coca cola in few seconds. Awesome trick(08:00) awesome science experiment showing what happen if you mix milk with coca cola, pepsi cola and fantaPlease leave your comments in the comments section. Your feedback will be appreciated. Thanks for watching!Like ! Share ! Comment ! SUBSCRIBE Our Youtube Channel Wasaby Sajado: +: our Twitter: Our Youtube Channel Wasaby Sajado For More Amazing Life Hacks and Cool Science Experiments.For the first video was used music by Tobuhttp://tobumusic.com for watching my video. Be careful and have fun!

Digital Audio

Vengeance Producer Suite – Avenger – Tutorial Video #16: ROUTING / Sub Outs

Vengeance Producer Suite – Avenger Tutorial Video #16: ROUTING / Sub Outputsthis video shows how VPS Avenger can route to individual outputs into your DAW Mixeravailable soon at

Digital Audio

Solarc – Ghosts (Who Else Remix)

Get it here:

Following on from this year’s success with our Miami & Ibiza Underground releases and off the back off a sold-out show at Egg, we’re bringing our next edition in the series straight to the capital and the heart of the UK Dance scene; London.
Featuring 45 killer underground cuts from the biggest DJ’s & producers of 2016 including Nicole Moudaber, Bicep, Booka Shade, Jonas Rathsman, Matador, Patrick Topping, Raumakustik, Noir, Harvey McKay, Mat.Joe, 808 State, Sidney Charles, Dale Howard, Low Steppa, Gorge, Mendo, Metodi Hristov, Dario D’Attis, Wade, T. Williams, Thomas Schumacher plus a wealth of exclusive unreleased material from DJ PP, Dataworx, Felix Kröcher, Joe Mesmer, Agent Orange, Hotspot & Komaroff, Rektchordz and many more.
Providing you with the perfect soundtrack for any occasion, ‘London Underground 2016’ ventures through all realms of House, Tech House & Techno with two meticulously crafted DJ mixes showcasing the deeper and darker side of the capital.

Digital Audio

Henry Saiz – Lucero Del Alba (Kris Davis Remix) [Suara]

Beatport: Henry Saiz – Lucero Del Alba (Kris Davis Remix) 02 Henry Saiz – Dystopian (Few Nolder Remix)03 Henry Saiz – Lucero Del Alba (Moscoman Remix) 04 Henry Saiz – Dystopian (Fabrizio Mammarella Remix) Henry Saiz last EP on Suara was a great achievement for the label. We are in love with the Spanish artist's music. He already made some amazing tracks for us. Now we feel is the time for a remix package. Some of the coolest artist of the moment have revisited 'Dystopian' and 'Lucero del Alba' and they have bring the tracks to another level: Kris Davis did a delicate and deep mix, Few Nolder goes in a techno way with a fat bassline and a great job with the high-end sounds. Moscoman takes 'Lucero del Alba' to his onirical world and Fabrizio Mamarella deliveres a dark italo-disco version of “Dystopian”. Huge package only for connaisseurs. Artwork by GaAsMastering by