
Con il rialzo dei titoli di Stato USA migliora la richiesta di USD

valute 22Lunedì l’USD è passato di mano con sicurezza, guadagnando terreno contro tutte le altre valute, mentre i rendimenti dei titoli di Stato USA continuavano a rafforzarsi sull’onda dei commenti da falco di Stanley Fisher. Dopo i commenti di Lockhart e Dudley della scorsa settimana, il vice presidente della Federal Reserve ha espresso la sua fiducia nell’economia USA, dichiarando: “Mi aspetto che nei prossimi trimestri la crescita del PIL acquisisca slancio, man mano che gli investimenti si riprenderanno da una fase sorprendentemente debole e che diminuirà l’effetto zavorra dovuto all’apprezzamento del dollaro.” Fischer, però, non ha fornito orientamenti sul tasso d’interesse in vista del discorso di Janet Yellen a Jackson Hole, in programma venerdì prossimo. L’EUR/USD è sceso a 1,1271 in Asia, in calo dello 0,50% rispetto alla chiusura di venerdì, mentre saliva tutta la curva dei rendimenti USA. I rendimenti dei titoli del Tesoro a due anni sono lievitati allo 0,7750%, i rendimenti dei decennali hanno testato i livelli intorno all’1,60%. Nella notte l’indice del dollaro è salito dello 0,40%, attestandosi a 94,86, tornando sopra il livello a 94,75 (61,8% di Fibonacci sul rally di giugno-luglio). In un’ottica di medio termine, l’indicatore rimane all’interno del canale rialzista dopo aver toccato, giovedì scorso, il minimo del canale ascendente a quota 94,20. Durante la seduta asiatica, il dollaro neozelandese è sceso dello 0,75%, a 0,7210 USD, senza riuscire a tener testa al biglietto verde in rialzo. Analogamente, l’AUD ha continuato a indebolirsi a Sydney, cedendo lo 0,50% e portandosi a 0,7590 contro il biglietto verde. Come abbiamo detto più volte, il mercato è più sensibile all’aumento delle aspettative su un rialzo dei tassi negli USA che a un taglio del tasso dalla RBA. Per capovolgere l’attuale momentum positivo sarebbe necessario uno sfondamento del minimo del canale ascendente – pari attualmente a 0,74.

Lunedì i rendimenti sui mercati azionari asiatici sono stati contrastati: in Giappone e in Nuova Zelanda i listini hanno esteso i guadagni, invece la Cina e le altre piazze asiatiche hanno mostrato il segno meno. Stamattina il Nikkei ha guadagnato lo 0,32%, il più ampio indice Topix è lievitato dello 0,62%. Nella Cina continentale, gli indici compositi di Shanghai e Shenzhen hanno ceduto rispettivamente lo 0,41% e lo 0,75%. Sulle piazze offshore, l’Hang Seng di Hong Kong ha perso lo 0,46%, il Taiex di Taiwan lo 0,58%. Infine, l’indice NZX neozelandese ha guadagnato lo 0,77%, l’ASX australiano ha ceduto un marginale 0,21%.

È stato un inizio di settimana difficile anche per i metalli preziosi: oro e argento hanno ceduto rispettivamente lo 0,63% e il 2,23%. Il metallo giallo è sceso a 1.333 USD a Tokyo, l’argento ha invece testato il livello di supporto a 18,80 USD. È arrivato il momento di acquistare sui minimi?

In questo avvio di settimana ci sono pochissimi appuntamenti economici in calendario. Gli operatori monitoreranno i depositi a vista in Svizzera; l’indice sull’attività della Fed di Chicago; la bilancia commerciale e la creazione di lavoro formale in Brasile; nelle prossime ore anche Wheeler (RBNZ) terrà un discorso a Dunedin.

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Autore: Blog Network Posts


Android 7.0 Nougat Released

Google has completed its five month beta program and is officially releasing Android 7.0 Nougat today. The company will begin rolling it out to select Nexus devices, including the Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, the Pixel C tablet, and the General Mobile 4G (Android One phone), as an OTA over the next few weeks. The Nexus 5 and 7 (2013) are not eligible for the update.

The LG V20 will be the first new device to ship with Nougat installed. Manufacturers and carriers have not committed to a specific timeline for rolling out updates for existing devices, however. Samsung’s President of Mobile, Koh Dong-jin, revealed in an interview with The Korea Times that the recently released Galaxy Note7 should receive an update perhaps in the next 2-3 months. HTC stated that the HTC 10, HTC One A9, and HTC One M9 will all be receiving Nougat updates, but did not provide any dates, only stating that timing and any additional eligible devices will be announced later.

We took our first look at some of Nougat’s features when we got our hands on the first developer beta back in March. Since then, Google has continued to refine the OS and add new features. The new Split-Screen mode, which provides a native API for using two apps side by side, should provide a boost for multitasking. This will be more useful for tablets, but phablet phones should benefit too. There’s also many smaller tweaks, such as double-tapping the overview button to switch between the two most recently used apps, that improve usability and productivity.

Nougat also includes the ability for apps to bundle notifications, reducing clutter on the lock screen or in the notification shade. The bundles can be expanded for more detailed information about each specific notification, and you can even reply to notifications directly from the notification shade without launching an app first.

Performance and battery life should also improve with Nougat. The updated JIT compiler claims to improve the runtime performance of apps while also reducing the amount of storage space they require. Android 7.0 also includes official support for the new Vulkan graphics API. Similar to Apple’s Metal, it’s a low-level API that dramatically improves 3D performance by reducing the overhead of draw calls. The changes to Android’s Doze feature, first introduced in Android Marshmallow, promise a small boost to battery life by allowing the phone to go into a lower power state when it’s being carried around with the screen locked.

Android has been plagued with security issues, and while this will remain a topic of concern for the foreseeable future, Nougat does bring some new security enhancements. Perhaps the biggest change is the hardening of Android’s Stagefright mediaserver library—a combination of better code sanitization to eliminate buffer overflows and splitting the library into several sandboxed components with more restricted permissions. Nougat also adds file-based encryption, a more secure boot process, and behind-the-scenes OS updates.

Nougat provides too many improvements to fully cover here, but even the visible and not so visible changes mentioned above should prove to be welcome additions to Android.

Autore: AnandTech


Foot – ALL – Coupe – Coupe d’Allemagne : Hambourg de justesse contre une D3

Hambourg SV (ALL)

Dernier match : Lun. 22/08 FSV Zwickau 0-1 Hambourg SV

Prochain match : Sam. 27/08 Hambourg SV / Ingolstadt 04

Autore: L’ Actu Football


Samsung starts refurbished phone programme

Copying Apple again

The Tame Apple Press is furious that Samsung appears to be copying its favour company’s idea to flog second hand phones.

Faced with a problem that users were not wasting shedloads of cash upgrading their iPhones, Apple came up with an idea of creating a scheme where they would trade up their new ones everytime a new one appears.  WIth this plan in play, the user sells their soul to Apple who collects a regular subscription.  Apple then flogs the old phone for a reasonable price, normally in the third world where they cannot afford to buy a new one.

Now It seems Apple’s rival Samsung is going to run a similar programme. The key to the difference is how big a discount the refurbished phones would be sold at, which markets the phones would be sold in or how many refurbished devices Samsung could sell. The price difference for Apple phones is not that great so Samsungcan  make its deal more attractive and clean up. 

The Samsung phones are likely to be fitted with parts such as a new casing or battery.

A refurbish iPhone has a re-sale value of around 69 percent of its original price after about one year from launch, while Samsung’s flagship Galaxy sells for 51 percent of the original price in the US..

Selling used phones could help Samsung fend off lower-cost Chinese rivals that have been eating into its market share, and free up some capital to invest elsewhere or boost marketing expenditure.

Deloitte says the used smartphone market will be worth more than $ 17 billion this year, with 120 million devices sold or traded in to manufacturers or carriers – around 8 percent of total smartphone sales. Some market experts expect the used market to grow fast as there are fewer technology breakthroughs.

“Some consumers may prefer to buy refurbished, used premium models in lieu of new budget brands, possibly cannibalizing sales of new devices from those budget manufacturers,” Deloitte said in a report.

The risk of offering refurbished devices is that they could potentially cannibalize sales of Samsung’s other mid-tier devices.

Autore: – Home



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