
Giardino IMPECCABILE con il Tagliasiepi elettrico orientabile in SCONTO SPECIALE

Author: Webnews

Con la bella stagione che ormai è scoppiata, è necessario tenere sempre in ordine il giardino di casa in prospettiva di cene all’aperto tra amici e parenti. Per questo motivo non puoi non avere tra i tuoi attrezzi il Tagliasiepi elettrico orientabile Scheppach, oggi disponibile su eBay a soli 89 euro con uno sconto conveniente del 20%.

La spedizione è gratuita con consegna anche presso uno dei punti di ritiro adibiti. Approfitta il prima possibile della promozione, gli articoli stanno per terminare!

Tagliasiepi elettrico orientabile Scheppach: funzionalità e modalità di utilizzo

Il Tagliasiepi elettrico orientabile Scheppach è un attrezzo indispensabile per tenere in ordine gli spazi verdi esterni di casa.

Tagliasiepi elettrico orientabile 230 v 1000w lama 41 cm Scheppach etht1000

È un pratico aiuto per tagliare cespugli, siepi e arbusti alti con una lunghezza totale di 2590 mm in pochissimo tempo. La testa di taglio può essere ruotata di 135° e può essere regolata in 10 posizioni.

Ha un potente motore elettrico da 1000 Watt, e una velocità di taglio massima di 1000 tagli al minuto, con una robusta lama in acciaio tagliata al laser garantiscono un rapido avanzamento del lavoro.

Il dispositivo garantisce uno spessore di taglio 20 mm grazie ad una lunghezza della lama di 500 mm e una lunghezza massima di taglio 410 mm.

La modalità di utilizzo è semplicissima in quanto è dotato di una tracolla per lavorare senza fatica. È facile da montare e smontare grazie alla pratica chiusura a sgancio rapido ed, in più, garantisce un lavoro senza emissioni grazie all’azionamento elettrico.

Oggi il Tagliasiepi elettrico orientabile Scheppach è disponibile su eBay a soli 89 euro con uno sconto conveniente del 20%. La spedizione è gratuita con consegna anche presso uno dei punti di ritiro adibiti. Approfitta il prima possibile della promozione, gli articoli stanno per terminare!

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Giardino IMPECCABILE con il Tagliasiepi elettrico orientabile in SCONTO SPECIALE

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Digital Audio

Marsh – Floodlights [@Marshmusician]

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UK-born and US-based Melodic & Progressive house sensation Marsh releases his new Anjunadeep single, 'Floodlights’.

Best experienced on an open-air dancefloor with the caress of a warm summer breeze, Marsh masterfully blends delicate vocals with his signature bassline sound in this stunning new offering.

“ ‘Floodlights' evokes images of light piercing through dark, foggy forests. I first debuted the track in my Kew Gardens mix, and it quickly became the most replayed moment of the set! The idea started with an ambient, fuzzy chord progression. Then I began jamming with the iconic DX7 Solid Bass patch (courtesy of Myon) and quickly found the bass riff. Next came the vocals. I fell in love with the angelic, choral vibes, which added a special hook to the record! It all came together quickly and has been a joy to feature in my recent sets," Marsh says.

To celebrate the release of "Floodlights," Marsh will release a fully filmed DJ set from the historic Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways’ (FfWHR) Snowdonia Star on Thursday, June 27th. The train holds a special place in Marsh’s heart, as both his parents, Andrew and Jacqui, volunteered and worked for Ffestiniog. The set, filmed by Marsh’s friend and long-standing collaborator Sam, is exceptionally cinematic and showcases breathtaking views of the Welsh countryside.

Since the release of his 2023 album, ‘Endless’, Marsh has soared to the forefront of the melodic and progressive house scene. The album reached #1 on the Beatport's Chart, and the artist embarked on a 52-date world tour, selling over 35k tickets. Marsh recently played sold-out shows at London’s HERE at Outernet and New Century Hall in Manchester, with festival performances at EDC Las Vegas and Cercle’s iconic festival at the Air France Museum in Paris in front of 25,000 people.

This September, Marsh will bring his hybrid show ARIA featuring vocalists and long-term collaborators Jodie Knight and Leo Wood, to the US with performances at iconic venues such as LA’s Fonda Theatre, Chicago’s Concord Music Hall, and New York’s Webster Hall.

Upcoming summer festivals include Anjunadeep Open Air Seattle (a fully filmed live performance), Anjunadeep Explorations, Electric Forest, and Deep Tropics.

Marsh’s "Floodlights" is out now on Anjunadeep.

Release date: 25th June 2024

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Two Is Better Than One: LG Starts Production of 13-inch Tandem OLED Display for Laptops

Author: AnandTech

OLED panels have a number of advantages, including deep blacks, fast response times, and energy efficiency; most of these stemming from the fact that they do not need backlighting. However they also have drawbacks, as well, as trying to drive them to be as bright as a high-tier LCD will quickly wear out the organic material used. Researchers have been spending the past couple of decades developing ways to prolong the lifespans of OLED materials, and recently LG has put together a novel (if brute force) solution: halve the work by doubling the number of pixels. This is the basis of the company’s new tandem OLED technology, which has recently gone into mass production.

The Tandem OLED technology introduced by LG Display uses two stacks of red, green, and blue (RGB) organic light-emitting layers, which are layered on top fo each other, essentially reducing how bright each layer needs to individually be in order to hit a specific cumulative brightness. By combining multiple OLED pixels running at a lower brightness, tandem OLED displays are intended to offer higher brightness and durability than traditional single panel OLED displays, reducing the wear on the organic materials in normal situations – and by extension, making it possible to crank up the brightness of the panels well beyond what a single panel could sustain without cooking itself. Overall, LG claims that tandem panels can hit over three-times the brightness of standard OLED panels.

The switch to tandem panels also comes with energy efficiency benefits, as the power consumption of OLED pixels is not linear with the output brightness.  According to LG, their tandem panels consume up to 40% less power. More interesting from the manufacturing side of matters, LG’s tandem panel stack is 40% thinner (and 28%) lighter than existing OLED laptop screens, despite having to get a whole second layer of pixels in there.

In terms of specifications, the 13-inch tandem OLED panel feature a WQXGA+ (2880×1800) resolution and can cover 100% of the DCI-P3 color gamut. The panel is also certified to meet VESA’s Display HDR True Black 500 requirements, which among other things, requires that it can hit 500 nits of brightness. And given that this tech is meant to go into tablets and laptops, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the display panel is also touch sensitive, as well.

“We will continue to strengthen the competitiveness of OLED products for IT applications and offer differentiated customer value based on distinctive strengths of Tandem OLED, such as long life, high brightness, and low power consumption,” said Jae-Won Jang, Vice President and Head of the Medium Display Product Planning Division at LG Display.

Without any doubts, LG’s Tandem OLED display panel looks impressive. The company is banking on it doing well in the high-end laptop and tablet markets, where manufacturers have been somewhat hesitant to embrace OLED displays due to power concerns. The technology has already been adopted by Apple for their most recent iPad Pro tablets, and now LG is making it available to a wider group of OEMs.

What remains to be seen is the technology’s cost. Computer-grade OLED panels are already a more expensive  option, and this one ups the ante with two layers of OLED pixels. So it isn’t a question of whether it will be reserved for premium, high-margin devices, but a matter of just how much it will add to the final price tag.

For now, LG Display does not disclose which PC OEMs are set to use its 13-inch Tandem OLED panel, though as the company is a supplier to virtually all of the PC OEMs, there’s little doubt it should crop up in multiple laptops soon enough.