
TÉMOIGNAGE. “Ma femme enceinte serait dévastée si elle savait ce que m’a proposé sa soeur” – Closer



  • Un homme a reçu une proposition inattendue de sa belle-sœur de 21 ans, lui offrant de combler un éventuel manque d’intimité pendant la grossesse de sa femme.

  • Il se trouve dans un dilemme sur la manière d’informer sa femme de cette proposition sans nuire à leur relation, tout en mettant en avant que sa famille reste sa priorité absolue.

  • Des conseils d’internautes lui suggèrent de révéler la vérité rapidement pour préserver la confiance dans son mariage et protéger l’équilibre familial.

Le jeune homme explique sur Reddit comment sa belle-sœur de 21 ans l’a approché, explique The Mirror. Un matin, après avoir annoncé la grossesse à leurs proches, il a reçu un message surprenant de sa belle-sœur. Elle lui proposait de combler un éventuel manque d’intimité dû à la grossesse de sa femme, offrant son aide tant sur le plan émotionnel que sexuel.

Elle m’a dit qu’elle comprenait que les femmes peuvent devenir émotionnellement et physiquement distantes pendant la grossesse et qu’elle était prête à m’aider“, raconte-t-il. Pris de court et ne sachant comment réagir, il se demande maintenant comment annoncer cela à sa femme sans détruire la relation fraternelle qu’elle entretient avec sa sœur.

“Ma femme et notre futur enfant sont mes priorités absolues”

La situation est d’autant plus complexe que la femme de cet homme est très proche de sa sœur, qui était même la demoiselle d’honneur à leur mariage. Révéler cette proposition pourrait non seulement blesser sa femme, mais aussi provoquer une rupture définitive entre les deux sœurs.

Ma femme et notre futur enfant sont mes priorités absolues. Mais je ne veux pas qu’elle perde la confiance en sa sœur, surtout pendant une période aussi vulnérable“, confie-t-il. Il craint également que s’il tarde à révéler la vérité, cela puisse éroder la confiance de sa femme en lui.

“Tu dois le dire à ta femme ce soir !”

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Face à ce dilemme, il a trouvé du soutien et des conseils auprès des internautes. L’un d’eux l’encourage à parler rapidement : “Tu dois le dire à ta femme ce soir ! Sinon, ta belle-sœur pourrait retourner la situation et te faire passer pour le coupable.

Un autre lui suggère une approche plus douce : “Tu pourrais commencer par dire ‘Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ta sœur m’a envoyé cela, mais je ne suis pas d’accord, même si c’est une blague ou qu’elle était ivre.’ Quoi qu’il en soit, il faut le dire immédiatement.

“Il n’y a littéralement aucune bonne issue”

La priorité de cet homme reste de préserver l’équilibre familial tout en protégeant son mariage. “Il n’y a littéralement aucune bonne issue. Elle sera absolument dévastée. Mais je serai toujours là pour elle et je sais que ses parents seront à ses côtés“, assure-t-il.

Cependant, il sait aussi que ne rien dire pourrait être encore plus destructeur à long terme. “Si je ne lui dis pas maintenant et qu’elle le découvre plus tard, elle pourrait perdre confiance en moi. Et si je ne dis rien du tout, ma femme continuera à être proche de quelqu’un qui pourrait facilement la trahir à nouveau.

“Je veux qu’elle sache que je suis là pour elle, peu importe ce qui arrive”

Il est conscient que sa décision aura des répercussions importantes. “Perdre un lien de 20 ans avec sa sœur alors qu’elle est dans un état aussi vulnérable semble terrible“, admet-il. Néanmoins, il comprend que la vérité est essentielle pour protéger leur relation.

L’incertitude persiste, mais il est déterminé à agir pour le bien de sa famille. “Je veux qu’elle sache que je suis là pour elle, peu importe ce qui arrive. Nous devons affronter cette épreuve ensemble.


”E’ finita la storia con Mattia Narducci”: Anna Tatangelo e il modello si sono lasciati? Lei posta immagini con tutti i fratelli – | News sul Gossip e VIP


  • Il Messaggero dà per certa la notizia della rottura: si starebbe preparando a un’estate da single
  • La 37enne e il 27enne non sarebbero arrivati e festeggiare il secondo anniversario…

Anna Tatangelo è da un bel po’ di tempo che non si fa più vedere accanto a lui. Forse è proprio da questa assenza di coppia sul social che parte un rumor assordante. E’ finita la storia con Mattia Narducci, svela Il Messaggero. Il quotidiano dà per cerca la notizia della rottura tra la cantante e il modello più giovane di lei di dieci anni. Si sono davvero lasciati? Al momento nessuno dei due replica all’indiscrezione. Lei, però, posta immagini con tutti i fratelli. E’ accanto al primogenito Maurizio, classe 1977, la secondogenita Silvia, nata nel 1979, il terzogenito Giuseppe, 1985. Anna è la più piccola in famiglia: è nata nel 1987.

”E’ finita la storia con Mattia Narducci”: Anna Tatangelo e il modello si sono lasciati?

L’artista di Sora non sarebbe arrivata a festeggiare il secondo anniversario col 27enne. “Anna Tatangelo è di nuovo single. E’ finita la storia con il modello Mattia Narducci. Ora la cantante, che trascorrerà l’estate con il figlio Andrea, il grande amore della sua vita, si dedicherà completamente alla musica”, scrive il giornale romano, non fornendo spiegazioni sulla rottura che sarebbe avvenuta tra i due.

Lei posta immagini con tutti i fratelli. E’ accanto al primogenito Maurizio, classe 1977, la secondogenita Silvia, nata nel 1979, il terzogenito Giuseppe, 1985. Anna è la più piccola in famiglia: è nata nel 1987
La 37enne e il 27enne non sarebbero arrivati e festeggiare il secondo anniversario…

Narducci recentemente è stato tra i protagonisti in passerella della sfilata di Giorgio Armani. In molti attendevano Anna tra gli ospiti nel parterre, ma lei non è mai arrivata. Ora si aspettano eventuali conferme. Intanto c’è la famiglia e Andrea, quel figlio tanto desiderato avuto dall’ex Gigi D’Alessio. Il 14enne rimane il punto focale della sua esistenza da sempre.


Euro 2024: ‘Scotland face destiny as Hungary decider looms’

Author: BBC Sport

Scotland fansReutersTom EnglishBBC Scotland’s chief sports writer in Stuttgart

  • 2 hours ago

To be in Germany these past few weeks is to understand the enormous power of football in Scotland and its ability to mobilise people in the most extraordinary way.

The singing of Flower of Scotland before the Switzerland game in Cologne did not come from the larynx, it came from the heart.

The noise level was not a product of a desire to survive in this tournament, but a desperation.

Two days after it was over, John Carver, a gnarled Geordie whose role as assistant to Steve Clarke came via other jobs in England, Canada and Cyprus, spoke about the anthem and was still visibly moved by what he heard that night.

The Tartan Army shy away from the norm, through their weight of numbers and their desire to be wherever the party is at.

If that means walking or cycling to Germany, then so be it. If it means travelling a mind-bogglingly circuitous route from home to here, it’s all part of the adventure.

These stories going around are unforgettable. People flying in from Australia, Argentina and Azerbaijan. Families and lads on the lash.

All ages. All human life. And now all of them with eyes on Scotland versus Hungary in Stuttgart on Sunday.

‘Hope lives. Actually, hope thrives’

Before addressing such a land of opportunity, a day of destiny if you like, let’s revisit a time when hope did not exist – and neither, pretty much, did the Tartan Army. Certainly not the kind of Tartan Army seen here in Germany these past few weeks.

To appreciate where Scotland are now you have to go back to where they were when Clarke took charge.

A run of his early games at Hampden saw tumbleweed in the old place – 32,432 against Russia, 25,524 against Belgium, 20,669 against San Marino, 19,515 against Kazakhstan.

It’s true they come into this game against Hungary as underdogs, both in world rankings and bookmakers’ odds. It’s also true they have only won a single game of their past 11 and have conceded 27 times in that run.

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They have sustained awful injuries to big players – Aaron Hickey, then Lyndon Dykes and, just this week, the nightmarish loss of Kieran Tierney.

They have scored twice in this tournament but a Scot did not get the final touch on either occasion.

And yet hope lives. Hope, actually, thrives. Hope has propelled the masses from Cologne to Stuttgart, still singing, still believing.

Scotland never having qualified for the knockout stages of a major championship is one of the great curiosities of the global game. It’s perverse.

Denis Law, Jimmy Johnstone, Billy Bremner, Kenny Dalglish, Danny McGrain. Never made it. Graeme Souness, Sandy Jardine, John Robertson, Willie Miller, Alex McLeish. Tried and failed.

Great players. Properly great. And down the years, dozens more along with them.

You could write a TV series about the epic nature of it – Game of Throw-Ins? – but would struggle to capture the essence of it.

‘Every Scot will go through a human tumble dryer’

So, does Sunday join the list of failures or break the mould?

A win will take Scotland through. If you have the head of a boffin, you can present a scenario where a draw will suffice. If you want to get comedic about it, a 0-0 might do it. Scotland might advance having not had one of their own players put the ball in an opponent’s net.

Given the near misses of before, that ludicrous landscape would be, frankly, hilarious.

For this day of days, Clarke has a choice or two to make.

Now that Tierney is out, does the three at the back system – designed to get himself and Andy Robertson on to the field together – go with him? Or does the three remain with Scott McKenna replacing Tierney?

Clarke does not do curveballs in his selection. He goes for clarity and consistency, so the likelihood of any other changes looks remote.

He could do with John McGinn rediscovering the kind of form that sees him eulogised in song.

McGinn has worked hard but has not brought his best stuff to Germany. Not yet. Maybe this is his moment. Maybe this is Scotland’s moment.

They have suffered upset through the loss of important players. They have been on the end of a savaging by Germany. They have stared down the barrel of an early exit, a dark time that played out against a backdrop of brutal criticism.

But they are a resilient lot. They have got character.

This promises to be a scarier ride than any rollercoaster, a stomach-churning trip to the wild side.

Every Scot in Stuttgart and beyond is expecting to go through a human tumble dryer on Sunday. A time to dream and a time to dread. Every emotion in one momentous package.

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VÍDEO: Venezuela entra a vencer na Copa América com golo de Cádiz | MAISFUTEBOL


Na madrugada deste sábado, a Venezuela venceu o Equador, por 2-1, com especial destaque para o golo de Cádiz, do Famalicão.

Na primeira jornada do Grupo B da Copa América, o Equador viu-se reduzido a 10 unidades logo aos 22 minutos, depois de Enner Valencia receber um cartão vermelho direto. Mesmo em minoria, a equipa conseguiu chegar à vantagem ainda antes do intervalo, com Sarmiento a fazer gosto ao pé.

A reviravolta surgiu na segunda parte, com Cádiz, recém entrado, a marcar aos 64 minutos. Bello fez o 2-1 passado 10 minutos e garantiu os três pontos para a Venezuela.

No mesmo grupo, o México venceu a Jamaica, por 1-0, com golo de Gerardo Arteaga.

Veja o resumo do Equador-Venezuela:


Diletta Leotta, i particolari dell’abito da sposa e quel dettaglio sul velo…

Author: Tuttosport

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Matrimonio Leotta-Karius: il messaggio d’amore sul velo di Diletta

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