
Verdades y mentiras del viaje secreto de la princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía a Londres para ver a Taylor Swift

Author: mujerhoy

Jorge C. Parcero

La princesa
Leonor y la Infanta Sofía fueron las grandes protagonistas durante el
décimo aniversario de la Proclamación de Felipe VI, con un emotivo discurso que logró emocionar al monarca. Pocas horas después, las dos jóvenes volvían a convertirse en protagonistas de la actualidad cuando saltaba la noticia de que ambas estaban presentes entre el público VIP del concierto en Londres de la superestrella del pop Taylor Swift. Entre ellos el príncipe Guillermo y sus dos hijos mayores o parte del elenco de
la serie de Netflix ‘Los Bridgerton’.

Como tantas chicas de su edad, las hijas de los reyes Felipe y Letizia también son fans de la cantante estadounidense, que recientemente
arrasaba en su visita a Madrid. Las dos royals no pudieron (o no quisieron) acudir a una de estas dos citas en la capital, así que se fueron a verla al Reino Unido.

Así lo afirmaba la cuenta ‘Royal News’ en la red social X, sin aportar pruebas gráficas que lo respaldaran, ya que, según explicaban en varios posts, «el equipo de seguridad está borrando muchas fotos». Una práctica que es similar a lo que suelen hacer «cuando la princesa está de fiesta». Esta cuenta fan de la realeza apuntaba también a que junto a Leonor y Sofía también habría estado en el concierto
su prima Amanda, la hija de Telma Ortiz.

Sin embargo, medios ingleses como las revistas ‘Hello!’ O ‘Tatler’, tan solo informaban de la presencia de la heredera al trono español en el concierto, sin mencionar a su hermana o a su prima. Estas informaciones señalaban que la princesa Leonor habría disfrutado del concierto en compañía de unos amigos.

Cónclave de royals en el concierto de Taylor Swift

Sola en compañía, la primogénita de Felipe y Letizia no fue la única persona con sangre azul coreando los temas de Taylor Swift en el estadio de Wembley. Al parecer también se dejó ver allí la princesa heredera Amalia, la hija de Máxima y Guillermo de Holanda, que guarda una
buena relación con su homóloga española, aunque no se ha llegado a confirmar que estuvieran juntas.

Pero sin duda todas las miradas estuvieron puestas en la presencia del príncipe de Gales junto a sus hijos George y Charlotte. Guillermo, que celebraba ese día sus 42 años tras
su viaje relámpago a la Eurocopa de Alemania donde coincidió con Federico de Dinamarca, disfrutó como un swiftie más en el concierto. Sus ‘bailes de padre’ en algunos momentos del espectáculo han sido muy comentados por la prensa de su país.

Taylor Swift junto a los hijos del príncipe Guillermo, George y Charlotte.

Taylor Swift junto a los hijos del príncipe Guillermo, George y Charlotte. /

INSTAGRAM @princeandprincessofwales

Sin miedo en su caso a que trascendieran imágenes de su presencia en el concierto, la propia cantante compartía un
divertido selfie con Guillermo y sus hijos, que arrasaba en número de likes en su cuenta de Instagram. Los príncipes de Gales compartían también la foto en sus redes sociales con una bonita dedicatoria para la artista: «Gracias Taylor Swift por una tarde tan agradable».

El hijo mayor de Carlos III y la cantante se conocen desde hace tiempo: ambos compartieron escenario en el palacio de Kensington para interpretar el clásico tema ‘Livin’ on a prayer’ junto a su autor, Jon Bon Jovi, en un acto benéfico en 2013.

La nómina de royals presentes en el Wembley Arena la completaba la prima de Guillermo, Zara Tindall, que junto a su marido Mike disfrutó como una fan más. Al día siguiente fueron la princesa Beatriz y su esposo, Edo Mapelli Mozzi, los últimos Windsor en bailar al ritmo de hits como ‘Shake it off’.

Los otros conciertos de Leonor y Sofía y sus escapadas no tan secretas

Más allá de las verdades y mentiras sobre las royals españolas en este concierto, que
quizá nunca conozcamos del todo, a Leonor y Sofía las hemos visto anteriormente en otros grandes espectáculos. En 2022 aprovecharon su estancia en Palma de Mallorca para presenciar en directo el Tour Motomami de Rosalía.

La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía en la Galeria de las Colecciones Reales.

La princesa Leonor y la infanta Sofía en la Galeria de las Colecciones Reales. /


Tampoco se quisieron perder el show que dio
Harry Styles el año pasado en Madrid ante 80.000 personas. En ese caso, se publicó que las dos jóvenes pudieron acceder unos minutos al camerino del cantante británico para conversar animadamente con él. Una breve cita que llegaba pocas semanas después de que
la reina Letizia y Sofía cumplieran su sueño de conocer en persona a Chris Hemsworth aprovechando su visita a ‘El Hormiguero’.

Siempre con la ausencia de pruebas gráficas que lo respalden, la princesa Leonor habría hecho esta Semana Santa otra discreta escapada, en este caso rumbo a Nueva York. En el que se calificó como
su primer viaje transoceánico en solitario, también se comentó que allí se habría reunido con un amigo especial: el joven brasileño Gabriel Giacomelli, al que conoció mientras ambos cursaban el bachillerato internacional en el internado UWC Atlantic de Gales.


La Celle-Saint-Cloud : elle pense que son bébé a été kidnappé, ce qu’elle va découvrir dépasse l’entendement – Closer



  • Le 17 juin 2023, Madognin a découvert que son bébé de 12
    mois avait été oublié seul dans la crèche de la ville, qui était
    supposée fermer à 18h30.
  • L’enfant a été retrouvé enfermé dans une pièce, en état
    de détresse avec des larmes séchées sur les joues et des brûlures
    aux doigts, suite à une négligence de l’employée de la
  • Suite à cet incident, la mairie a annoncé des sanctions
    contre la mise en cause et a instauré un nouveau règlement dans les
    crèches municipales pour éviter de telles négligences à

La plus grande peur d’une maman ? Perdre son enfant. En allant
récupérer son bébé
âgé de 12 mois à la crèche, ce vendredi 17 juin 2023, Madognin a
vécu une grosse frayeur. D’après les informations
relayées par Le Parisien, lorsqu’elle est arrivée sur les
lieux à 18h26 précise, il n’y avait personne à l’intérieur.
L’établissement, qui devait fermer à 18h30, était vide. En panique,
la mère de famille a immédiatement pensé que son enfant
avait été

“Je fais le code à la porte mais elle ne s’ouvre pas. Je
fais le tour et je ne vois personne, j’appelle plusieurs fois
mais ça ne répond pas“,
se souvient-elle
auprès du journal. Elle décide d’alerter la police. Mais avant
d’entamer les recherches, les forces de l’ordre lui conseillent
d’appeler son mari afin de savoir s’il n’a pas récupéré l’enfant
plus tôt sans qu’elle le sache.

Un bébé enfermé dans une pièce

Mais le père affirme ne pas savoir où se trouve l’enfant. Les
deux parents décident de se rendre à la mairie, où un agent
municipal a tenté de contacter la directrice de la crèche, sans
aucune réponse. Il aura fallu attendre quarante minutes avant
qu’elle ne rappelle. L’employée de la crèche aurait oublié
l’enfant à l’intérieur
en rentrant chez elle.

“Il était en body, avec des larmes séchées sur les joues.
Il est resté dans une pièce fermée, il faisait
très chaud”
a détaillé la jeune maman qui a porté plainte pour
négligence et mise en danger d’autrui.

Un nouveau règlement

D’après les déclarations de la mairie, la mise en cause sera
soumise à des sanctions. Olivier Delaporte, le maire de ville,
s’est exprimé à ce sujet, soulignant “une erreur de
fonctionnement totalement inacceptable
il “assume l’entière responsabilité”. 

Depuis cet incident, l’enfant de Madognin a des troubles du
sommeil et des troubles alimentaires. Il refuse de dormir seul et
ne mange plus comme avant. Il souffre également de brûlures
aux doigts.
“Il ne retournera plus jamais dans

cette crèche
, a affirmé la mère. Suite à cette histoire,
un nouveau règlement a été mis en place dans les crèches
municipales et des contrôles devront être effectués plus


Elodie e Andrea Iannone tra le coppie più vip alle nozze della Leotta: poi qualche giorno insieme nel mare siciliano, foto – | News sul Gossip e VIP


  • La cantante e il pilota rimangono alle Eolie dopo i fiori d’arancio dell’amica 32enne
  • La 34enne ai fiori d’arancio è stata damigella d’onore: per lei abito color nude con corsetto con i lacci

Elodie e Andrea Iannone rimangono alle Eolie. Dopo le nozze di Diletta Leotta la cantante 34enne e il pilota suo coetaneo approfittano del luogo incantevole per regalarsi qualche giorno insieme nel mare siciliano dell’isola di Vulcano. Sul social condividono alcune foto che li ritraggono insieme, felici e innamorati sul barchino, intenti a farsi le coccole e a prendere il sole in costume dopo un bagno nell’acqua cristallina.

Elodie e Andrea Iannone tra le coppie più vip alle nozze della Leotta: poi qualche giorno insieme nel mare siciliano

La romana in un post scrive: L’ammmmmmore”. Il centauro commenta con un cuore rosso. I due sono in perfetta sintonia. Elodie vive un rapporto di totale armonia con Andrea. Forse nel fare da damigella d’onore a Diletta sabato 22 giugno si è commossa anche pensando al legame che la coinvolge ogni giorno. Per l’occasione ha optato per un look semplice, indossando un abito color nude sensualissimo con corsetto con i lacci.

La cantante e il pilota rimangono alle Eolie dopo i fiori d’arancio dell’amica 32enne
La romana prende il sole sul barchino a Vulcano

Iannone a sua volta è tornato a vivere nel mondo che gli appartiene, quello delle corse in moto, dopo una lunga squalifica, che lui ha sempre considerato ingiusta, per doping. In sella alla due ruote trova l’adrenalina giusta e si sente libero. A regalargli forza proprio la compagna. Sul social ha scritto: Ho imparato molto bene cosa sia la sofferenza, cosa significhi essere impotenti davanti a ciò che la vita ti porta improvvisamente a vivere. Ho imparato a sopravvivere, a non mollare neanche per un giorno ed ho scoperto chi sono davvero le persone che sono disposte a combattere con te, a qualsiasi costo. Oggi posso dire che nulla più mi fa paura, ho attraversato l’inferno e oggi giorno mi trovo davanti ad una rinascita. Nonostante tutto ringrazio la vita, le persone che sono al mio fianco e la forza che quotidianamente trovo per continuare a sognare. Non arrendetevi mai. Grazie anche a tutti voi che non mi avete mai fatto sentire solo”.

La 34enne ai fiori d’arancio è stata damigella d’onore: per lei abito color nude con corsetto con i lacci

La Di Patrizi, che non l’ha mai lasciato un istante, ha replicato con un semplice: “Mio cuore”.


Euro 2024: What now for Clarke and Scotland after early exit?

Author: BBC Sport

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Tom EnglishBBC Scotland’s chief sports writer in Stuttgart@tenglishsport

  • 5 hours ago

The agony, the ignominy and the long road home. The team that said they were in Germany to make history retreated on Monday with a notoriety of an altogether different kind.

Scotland’s performance was, indeed, the stuff of legend, in one sense. Their statistics belong in a hall of shame, or one of those odditoriums with magic mirrors and optical illusions.

Generations would stare in wonder at the numbers Scotland delivered here and question how on earth they could be so poor. Two goals (neither of them finished by a Scottish player) was bad enough, but three shots on target in three games is a lamentable figure.

Seven individual players from other nations have had more shots on target than all of Scotland’s players put together – and six of that seven have only played two games. Fifteen other players have already equalled Scotland’s overall total.

They rank bottom in the shots on target table, bottom on the expected goals table (an inept 0.97), currently second from bottom on the xG conceded table (4.3) and joint bottom on the attempts on goal table. They will surely end up bottom of that list, too.

It is only in the saves and clearances and tackles categories where Scotland are top end. High marks for heart, no marks in many other senses.

A picture of Scott McTominay and some Scotland statisticsPA Media

Out with a whimper, not a bang

Scotland came to the Euros and did not fire a shot, almost literally. Save for the spirit showed against Switzerland, the whole thing was a damp squib. They went out with a whimper.

There are myriad reasons for all of this, some major, some minor, some speculative. The truth is the demise of this team, from a point of five straight wins during March to September last year and the concession of just one goal – which happened to be an Erling Haaland penalty – has been steady and alarming.

It started long before they ever set foot in Germany. They came here on the back of one win in nine games – a dreary victory over Gibraltar.

Their defence became shaky, their goals dried up. Scott McTominay scored seven times from eight attempts on target in qualification, a freakish return that could not be sustained. Nobody else stepped up.

Che Adams works hard but struggled to make an impact, although in fairness he was not blessed with service. Scotland’s forwards plough a joyless furrow.

Steve Clarke’s go-to men became diminished. Was that tiredness? Was it the enormity of the occasion getting to them?

They talked from the very outset about being the team that finally got through a group stage at a major championship and then could not back up their talk with action. In two of the three games they carried virtually no threat.

Did they out-psyche themselves? You would need a team of boffins to figure out the complex psychology of each player, but they were not themselves – nowhere near.

John McGinn has not looked anything like the McGinn immortalised in song. Among Scotland’s main men, he was far from alone in seeing the tournament pass him by.

Injuries hit in giant and destructive waves and Scotland limped into the Euros.

Clarke tried to explain away the run of losses on the road to Germany as friendlies against the elite (no shame in losing against Europe’s heavy hitters), dead rubber group games and glorified training sessions. It will be all right on the night, he said.

It was not and anybody watching the deterioration of this team with dispassionate eyes (not easy given the incredible emotion involved) might have predicted it.

Clarke railed against the Argentine referee who refused to give Scotland a penalty they probably deserved on Sunday night – but his comments were crass, to put it mildly. Heat of the moment stuff, for sure, but those words he used were like much of what Scotland did in Germany – misguided.

What was more pertinent was the complete absence of aggression and intensity in most of Scotland’s performance. What backfired was Clarke’s own rigid belief that picking the same players in the same positions was going to produce a different outcome to the ones seen for nine or 10 months now.

It is a Clarke mantra that he believes in his players – or a core group of players, although plenty did not see any game time. He, possibly, believes too much.

He was not blessed with options, but he had James Forrest and Lawrence Shankland playing no–part and a bit-part, he had substitutions he could have made to shake things up and he either did not make them or made them too late in the day.

His team was passive, flat, unthreatening. They went out meekly and there’s now an understandable focus on Clarke and his team selection, team formation and in-game problem solving. ‘In Clarke We Trust’ is a phrase that did the rounds a while back, but no longer.

He has been magnificent in guiding Scotland to back-to-back European Championships and has the unwavering support of everybody at the Scottish FA.

If he wants to carry on then he will. However, he has to find ways of making this team play with more fire and ambition.

Had Scotland gone out in a blaze of action and ambition then the fans would have taken it on the chin. There was none of that.

Where is the progress?

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The re-introduction of Kieran Tierney and Aaron Hickey will make a difference. Lewis Ferguson’s time is surely coming, just as soon as he has recovered from the injury that ended what was a brilliant Serie A campaign with Bologna.

Scotland need the width and pace of Ben Doak. They need to see if Tommy Conway has it. If Clarke is to stay then he needs to adapt – and now.

He has Poland, Portugal and Croatia as Nations League rivals. The fatalists would say Scotland will be one win in 18 when those games conclude.

Pessimistic, no doubt, but that’s not an outlandish forecast. There are tough days ahead for Clarke.

Fans will be less forgiving after this Euros failure compared to the last. One point then and one point now. Where’s the progress? What lessons are being learned?

Some will be convinced his time should be up, that he has taken this team as far as he can.

Scotland finished where their world ranking suggested they would but it was the manner of it that was the problem, the non-performance in two games out of three, the lack of goal threat and the sight of a brilliant opportunity passing them by.

We probably will not hear from Clarke for a little while but it will be interesting to listen to him when he resurfaces.

Has he got the ideas and the energy to drive on through the doubt that now faces him? What does he think went wrong and how does he intend to put it right?

Surely the penny has dropped now that more of the same is not good enough.

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Vangelis Pavlidis chegou a Portugal na quinta-feira, para assinar com o Benfica e realizar exames médicos, estando em vias de ser anunciado pelo clube encarnado. No entanto, tal como o Maisfutebol adiantou, questões legais adiam a apresentação do jogador, apesar de o negócio estar fechado.

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