
Inquinamento dell’aria, ecco le particelle tossiche che penetrano nel cervello

Inquinamento dell'aria, ecco le particelle tossiche che penetrano nel cervello

( – L’inquinamento dell’aria penetra nel cervello e produce molti più danni di quanto si riteneva fino ad ora. Sono milioni le microscopiche particelle di metallo, disseminate nei tessuti cerebrali di persone vissute in ambienti con un elevato tasso di inquinamento, che sono state rinvenute e studiate da un team di scienziati della Lancaster University. Una scoperta che hanno definito senza mezzi termini “scioccante” per l’alta tossicità di questi elementi e i legami con alcune malattie neurodegenerative. La ricerca, appena pubblicata sulla rivista specializzata Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Gli scienziati hanno analizzato i tessuti cerebrali di 37 persone di età compresa fra i 3 e i 92 anni vissute a Città del Messico – dove l’inquinamento dell’aria è particolarmente alto – e a Manchester. Con un’estrazione magnetica hanno verificato la presenza di milioni di nanoparticelle di ossido di ferro per ciascun grammo di tessuto. Le molecole che si impiantano tra le cellule del cervello sono altrettante opportunità di danneggiamento del tessuto, quindi delle normali funzioni del nostro organismo.

Inquinamento dell'aria, ecco le particelle tossiche che penetrano nel cervelloImpossibile avere dubbi sull’origine di queste particelle. Infatti, spiegano i ricercatori, anche se è normale rinvenire una certa quantità di questo metallo tossico nel cervello, le molecole esaminate sono “parlanti”. La loro forma – liscia e rotonda – è compatibile soltanto con quelle emesse dai motori delle automobili o dai sistemi di frenata dei veicoli, dove si sviluppano le alte temperature necessarie per conferire loro quelle caratteristiche distintive.

Ma i danni potenziali sono ben più ampi. Una volta accumulate nel cervello, infatti, queste particelle non restano inerti ma sono bioreattive e aumentano la loro tossicità producendo radicali liberi. I danni che ne derivano sono una delle principali “impronte” di malattie degenerative come l’Alzheimer. Patologie che potrebbero presto aggiungersi alla lunga lista di quelle più strettamente correlate ai livelli di inquinamento dell’aria come malattie cardiache, ictus, cancro ai polmoni, bronchite, enfisema e infezioni acute. E peggiorare il quadro, già fosco, tracciato di recente dall’Ocse, che stima in 9 milioni l’anno i morti da imputare all’inquinamento atmosferico in tutto il mondo.

Autore: Rinnovabili


Setup e Angoli di Gann: FTSE MIB INDEX 7 SETTEMBRE 2016

Setup e Angoli di Gann

Setup Annuale:
2012 (range 12299/17158) [uscita rialzista]
2014 ( range 17555/22590) [uscita rialzista] annullata
prossimo 2016/2017

Setup Mensile:
ultimo Luglio (range 15293 /17122 comp. est.) [ uscita rialzista ]
prossimi Settembre

Setup Settimanale:
ultimi: 22/26 agosto – 29 agostp/2 settembre( range 16257//17253 ) [ uscita rialzista]
prossimi 26/30 Settembre

Setup Giornaliero
ultimo : 5 /6 settembre (range 17051/ 17334 + event est) [ in attesa]
prossimi 8 Settembre, 12

Angoli Mensili Settembre 14350, 15500, 17000, 18050, 18700
Angoli Settimanali: 16300, 16550, 17580,17880
Angoli Giornalieri 16838,16940, 17032, 17118, 17238, 17514, 17542

I commenti giornalieri sull’articolo riguardante i Setup e gli Angoli di Gann saranno sempre disabilitati e continueranno sempre sull’articolo unico settimanale

GD Star Rating

GD Star Rating

Autore: Blog Network Posts


LG V20 Event Liveblog

08:51PM EDT – It’s currently 10 minutes before 6 PM here in San Francisco and we’re currently waiting for the LG V20 event to start.

08:53PM EDT – This is going to be experimenting with iPad Pro 12.9 as the sole liveblog tool for photos and text. This isn’t necessarily a huge load but improving the value of tablets means covering use cases like this that would otherwise need a dSLR, Lightroom, miniUSB cable, and a lot of finesse.

09:01PM EDT – Here we go.

09:01PM EDT – We’re currently being treated to Joseph Gordon Levitt playing drums on the subway in public for some reason?

09:01PM EDT – Frank Lee takes the stage.

09:02PM EDT – Discussing LG’s focus on innovation for a better life

09:03PM EDT – “Built for storytellers”

09:04PM EDT – The dual display remains but the dual front facing camera is gone. Rear facing is dual camera instead.

09:06PM EDT – Improved video recording stabilization

09:06PM EDT – High quality lossless audio capture, possibly FLAC audio for video similar to HTC 10

09:06PM EDT – Quad, 32 bit DAC as previously mentioned in pre-launch marketing

09:07PM EDT – Design is minimal alu unibody with thin bezels.

09:08PM EDT – Silicon-based polycarbonate is on the top and bottom which looks like RF windows and improved drop resistance

09:08PM EDT – MIL-STD 810G transit drop test passed but don’t drop on the glass

09:10PM EDT – Android Nougat includes Vulkan and other improvements across the board, not unique to LG V20 but should be first phone to ship with Nougat

09:10PM EDT – In app search with Nougat as well on the V20

09:10PM EDT – I have to say taking iPad photos is still very obnoxious

09:11PM EDT – Interesting to see LG taking this seriously

09:12PM EDT – Images shifted frame by frame using live sensor capture and also extra post-video processing

09:12PM EDT – Mike Finley on the stage from QCOM to talk about this technology

09:13PM EDT – Other technologies from the 820 SoC utilized by V20 includes 4K video capture and playback

09:14PM EDT – High quality audio on 3.5mm jack and speaker as well, not sure whether the speaker is yet but looks to be downward firing

09:15PM EDT – V20 is future ready with modem OTA updates to improve throughput once operators deploy new tech

09:16PM EDT – Manual Video continues to appear in the V20. ISO, shutter speed, white balance, focus, sound direction capture, etc. Also photo capture during video recording

09:17PM EDT – Apologies, both front and rear cameras are still dual camera. 8 MP rear camera for wide angle 135 degree. Front camera is 5MP 120 degree FOV.

09:17PM EDT – Auto shot on FFC used to detect faces and gesture to trigger a shutter.

09:18PM EDT – Downward firing speaker, 3 mics with wide dynamic range to avoid saturation in loud environments like concert. Can record high quality video and control sound in video recordings.

09:19PM EDT – Partnered with ESS to get 32-bit DAC for V20.

09:19PM EDT – ES9218 design win?

09:21PM EDT – Looking at the liveblog it looks like there’s an issue with image uploads. I’ll have to see whether I can resolve this later.

09:21PM EDT – 130 dB SNR in this DAC which should eliminate hiss

09:22PM EDT – Headphone amplifier has double voltage of anything else on the market so you don’t need an external amp

09:24PM EDT – 5.7″ QHD display

09:24PM EDT – B&O headphones included in US as limited time offer

09:25PM EDT – LG UX 5.0+

09:25PM EDT – Removable 3200 mAh battery and USB type C

09:26PM EDT – USB C to A adapter and QC 3.0 charger

09:26PM EDT – Up to 64GB of internal memory internally

09:26PM EDT – Fingerprint scanner for Android Pay and other security such as Content Lock

09:27PM EDT – Available through AT&T, TMOUS, US Cellular, Verizon, and Sprint

09:27PM EDT – Titan and SIlver

09:27PM EDT – That ends this liveblog. Look for hands-on soon.

Autore: AnandTech

Digital Audio

Kygo feat. Julia Michaels – Carry Me Lead Synth Tutorial

Kygo – Carry Me – Lead Synth (Logic ES2 Preset) D/L: – Carry Me – Lead Synth (Logic Channel Strip Preset) D/L: and collaborate with other artists at:————————————————————————————“Carry Me” is the latest single fom Kygo’s debut album, Cloud Nine. It features vocals and co-written by songwriter Julia Michaels. In the following tutorial we'll show you how to make the lead sound from Carry Me by Kygo. Presets included after the break. ————————————————————————————SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS:…————————————————————————————Thanks for watching! Leave your questions in the comments below and don't to share and thumbs up this video if you… liked it 🙂 ————————————————————————————SUBSCRIBE:…————————————————————————————SOCIAL NETWORKS:tumblr:————————————————————————————MY YOUTUBE CHANNELS;————————————————————————————**

Digital Audio

Solomun techno DJ Set from Destino Ibiza (Part 2)

Subscribe to DJ Mag TV: more streams from Be-At-TV here: Solomun is a big chap. A big, bearded Balkan bombshell with a penchant for mashing up epic strings and sprawling synth-scapes with the odd hip-hop classic.In the past five years, he's risen from underground mainstay to something a bit more pivotal than that in the worldwide dance music scene, through his labels Diynamic and 2Diy4, some savvy, profile-heavy remix work — Lana Del Rey, anyone? — and gathering a crew of like-minded and talented artists around him.Born in Bosnia — his Balkan father wanted his first-born son to be delivered in his home country — he was raised in Hamburg, immersing himself first in filmmaking, and then in music. These days he's touring the globe with his extended crew — the likes of H.O.S.H.,Stimming, Kollektiv Turmstrasse and Daniel August. Why it's happened, he can't say. But he's doing something right. DJ Mag speaks to him about pimps, parties, meeting Robert Plant and his desire to one day play in his home country…The past few years have seen a huge upsurge in your profile. Why do you think that has been?“Maybe this is a question that others can answer better than myself. It wasn’t planned, that’s what I can say. Because I don’t think that you can really plan such things. So it must have been kind of the momentum, I guess. I've been DJing for almost 15 years, then 10 years ago we founded Diynamic, and you are right, around three, four years ago it started to become bigger and bigger with every year. I think it’s a combination of a few things. I can’t reduce it to one thing, but I think that Ibiza played an important role in this.”But were there maybe gigs or releases that helped gather pace?“My remixes got some awareness at an early stage, or also the track 'Kackvogel' that I produced more or less just for fun for the Watergate compilation. With the help of the video, it really got a big push and became No.1 of the overall Beatport charts. Then the awards from Mixmag and DJ, or of course my 'Around' remix (for Noir & Haze) whichgained a lot of attention. Our Diynamic parties became bigger and bigger, we started to do our first festivals, then Ibiza happened. Honestly, sometimes I ask myself how this all could happen. Because I just do my thing and am looking forward to the next projects, gigs or studio sessions.”I remember interviewing you a few years ago, when things around Diynamic, you, H.O.S.H. and Stimming were first getting heat. How are things with your core crew? I guess you're all doing pretty well now?“I feel really blessed because I always wanted to work and have fun with friends and family. All members of the Diynamic family are successful, everybody is doing their thing — under the wings of the mothership Diynamic. When we started our first DIY parties in Hamburg it was already a family business and today it still is.And yes, all members of Diynamic family are doing really well. H.O.S.H. and Stimming, but also artists like Adriatique, Karmon, David August or Kollektiv Turmstrasse are really having a good time. Or Thyladomid who just released his first album on Diynamic. We were just with half ofWebsite: http://www.djmag.comTop 100 DJs: