
Energy efficiency beyond the hype: 8 long-term benefits for industrial operations

Author: Schneider Electric

This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services

Industrial operations are responsible for nearly one-quarter (24 percent) of global greenhouse gas emissions. That’s nearly as much as the world’s transportation sector produces when factoring in every car, truck, plane, ship, and train combined. As a result, industries often hear that energy efficiency measures and net-zero improvements are the silver bullets for operational and sustainability woes. While this is true, it’s not an immediate fix, and it can be easy to overlook the nuanced, incremental nature of true efficiency gains.

The benefits of energy efficiency unfold over time and often go far beyond the initial hype. I’ve identified 8 benefits and long-term advantages of embracing energy efficiency in industrial operations. Let’s take a look.

Adult male worker wearing red coveralls standing in aluminum mill and reading on a tablet. Adult male worker wearing red coveralls standing in aluminum mill and reading on a tablet. As industrial operations adopt energy efficiency measures, they are paving the way to improve their decarbonization efforts and realize other long-term benefits.

Benefit 1: Embodied carbon reduction

The best opportunities to make energy-efficient choices happen during the design-build phase – before the hammer meets the nail. Embodied carbon – the emissions associated with the construction process (including manufacturing and materials transporting, concrete, steel, insulation, and disposal) – are included within this phase. In fact, when considering embodied carbon, 80% of a building’s emissions are already baked into a building upon completion.

So, early design-build decisions that integrate energy-efficient products, solutions, and low-carbon technologies from the outset are ideal. By focusing on both electrical distribution and the reduction of embedded carbon, industries can set the stage for a sustainable operation model. This strategic approach addresses immediate energy use and locks in lower carbon footprints for the long haul.

Benefit 2: Operational excellence with energy management

Operational expenses (OpEx) are fertile ground for industrial companies to advance their decarbonization and energy efficiency strategies. Companies that use Energy and Power Management Systems (EPMS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems have real-time windows into their energy consumption patterns. This immediate access to data allows for agile adjustments, optimized procurement strategies, and precisely-managed demand peaks.

These systems can also direct investments to the most impactful areas, like integrating renewable energy solutions during peak tariff periods or shifting energy use to off-peak times. The insights offered by EPMS and SCADA systems also inform decisions on when to use or scale back on energy-intensive processes. Again, this reduces emissions and aligns with grid optimization practices. Ultimately, this continuous monitoring and adjustment reduces emissions and overall operational costs, striking the balance between sustainability and economic efficiency.

Power quality and power factor measure an electrical infrastructure’s health. Both affect the performance and longevity of equipment. Poor power quality includes voltage sags, surges, and harmonic distortion, disrupting operations and damaging sensitive equipment. Similarly, a poor (or low) power factor draws more power from the grid than is actually used. This means higher electricity bills, increased stress on the power infrastructure, and often, expensive power factor surcharges from electric utilities.

Monitoring and correcting power quality and power factor extends the lifespan of motors and electrical devices and cuts down on unexpected maintenance costs or taking processes out of service. Optimized machines are efficient machines.

Benefit 4: Optimized predictive maintenance

Energy efficiency also translates into more sophisticated maintenance practices. Advanced systems can predict when a machine will need care. You can fix minor issues before they become major problems, keep operations running without hiccups, and save money in the long run. Investing in maintaining the “electrical health” of operations makes the workplace smoother, more efficient, and gets more done with less hassle. Predictive maintenance enabled by energy management systems can also optimize maintenance schedules, further enhancing operational efficiency and equipment longevity.

Benefit 5: A holistic approach to efficiency with automation and control

Integrating automation, HVAC, control systems, and smart technologies in an industrial building streamlines energy use in several ways. Automation systems adjust the operation of machinery or lighting based on real-time demand – avoiding unnecessary energy use. Optimized HVAC systems adapt to different zones and times of the day to greatly reduce heating and cooling waste. Control systems monitor and adjust energy use across the entire building for more informed and efficient management of resources. Intelligent technologies can anticipate maintenance needs and operational adjustments. This ensures the systems run at peak efficiency without energy loss from malfunctioning or suboptimal performance.

Benefit 6: Adoption of renewable energy and backup systems

Incorporating renewable energy sources and backup systems is a forward-thinking strategy. It enhances resilience while supporting peak load management and energy independence. Government incentives and evolving regulatory landscapes increasingly favor renewable investments. Today, these are financially attractive and operationally prudent choices for industrial facilities.

For example, microgrids are decentralized and sustainable energy systems that allow localized control over energy sources. This reduces energy transmission losses and improves energy security by ensuring a reliable energy supply, even during grid outages. Microgrids also support demand response strategies, adjusting energy production and consumption in real-time to optimize efficiency and reduce costs.

Benefit 7: An accelerated payback period

A common misconception is that the return on investment (ROI) for energy efficiency measures takes a very long time, from five to ten years. It’s much quicker. On average, ROI usually ranges between 18 and 20 months. This accelerated return on investment (ROI) is possible for various reasons: reduced energy bills, operational improvements, regulatory compliance, longer equipment lifespans, and, sometimes, government incentives that support energy-saving measures.

Fast payback is a testament to the actual value of energy efficiency and is a compelling incentive for industries to adopt these measures. It dispels myths that have long held back investment and opens the door for more businesses to consider energy efficiency as a strategic priority, assuring them of tangible financial returns in a relatively short timeframe.

Benefit 8: Changes to company culture

Most importantly, becoming an energy-efficient operation isn’t just about buying new tech but changing company cultures. Energy efficiency is also about people and getting every person in the company to think about and act on saving energy. This means teaching teams about energy saving, always looking to improve processes and focusing on how much power is used. Everyone from the C-suite to the custodian needs to be involved. This cultural shift is a continuous effort that helps a company improve at saving energy and money over time.

Counting the benefits of playing the energy efficiency long game

The benefits of energy efficiency –  especially in the industrial sector –  are the sustained, long-term advantages and the cultural shift it creates within companies. Seen through the lens of long-term operational and sustainability benefits, energy efficiency measures are strategic imperatives that deliver enduring value and foster innovation, resilience, and competitive advantage.

Learn more about how Schneider Electric can help you improve your power quality and access the benefits of energy efficiency.  

Tags: #ReduceCarbonEmissions, automation and control, Energy Efficiency, power quality, predictive maintenance, ROI, Sustainability


Industrial robots are a critical strategic ally as we move toward Industry 5.0. Here’s why.

Author: Schneider Electric

This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services

As industries grapple with workforce shortages, rising costs, supply issues, fluctuating demands, and the pressing need to reduce energy usage, multifaceted robotic solutions stand out, ushering in a new era of safety, efficiency, and workforce empowerment. The integration of robotics has become more than a technological advancement; it’s now a strategic necessity.

It’s clear that embracing the power of digital transformation is key in moving forward, but as our CEO, Peter Herwick, recently wrote, keeping humans firmly at the heart of the industrial factories of the future is also an absolute necessity.

Where Industry 4.0 has brought smart factories to the forefront, Industry 5.0 is all about adding the human edge, with more meaningful and efficient collaboration between humans and the machines and systems within a digital ecosystem.

Unlocking the power of industrial robotics for workforce optimization and unprecedented efficiency

According to the IDC’s new Spotlight Paper, worldwide investment in industrial robotic solutions is expected to grow by at least 13% by 2027.

Manpower Group recently reported that 75% of companies in the industrial sector are currently experiencing a talent shortage. An extensive new Korn Ferry report has found that by 2030, more than 85 million jobs could go unfilled because there won’t be enough skilled workers to fill them. Now ranked as the No. 1 driver of manufacturing competitiveness by global manufacturing executives, it seems this lack of skilled talent has reached a critical level. 

At a time when widening skill gaps and an aging workforce are creating constant challenges for businesses and are threatening to significantly impact the global economy, how can robots act as a strategic ally rather than a replacement for human labor?

Mitigating shortages, optimizing workforce, and enhancing efficiency with human-robot collaboration

Whether on the factory floor, in logistics, or even in hazardous environments, robots are valuable assets for streamlining operations, filling skill shortages, increasing operational and energy efficiency, and empowering the existing workforce. The powerful collaborative partnership between humans and today’s robots changes the game entirely for industrial manufacturing businesses, with benefits including:

  • Increased productivity & task offloading
  • Skill enhancement and heightened innovation
  • Improved workplace safety
  • Simplified operations and maintenance

By combining the power of digital technologies such as data analytics, machine learning, and integrated robotics systems with the cognitive ability of human workers, industrial businesses can also greatly improve their levels of operational and energy efficiency:

  • Energy-efficient operations: Traditional manufacturing processes are often energy-intensive. Robotics can be monitored and programmed for energy-efficient operation, reducing overall energy consumption, waste, and environmental impact. By teaming robotics with highly skilled operators who make decisions based on real-time information, energy consumption and sustainability can be optimized like never before.
  • Optimized workflows: By integrating into existing systems, and using technologies like machine learning, robots can adapt in real-time to better meet dynamic production demands. This helps maintain a smooth and efficient workflow, and drives a more effective flow of parts, raw materials, and finished goods, translating to overall operational cost reductions.
  • Improved resource utilization and waste reduction: Robotics enable precise control over processes and material usage, resulting in less error and rework, reducing waste and optimizing resource use. Less materials are transported, saving further costs and reducing carbon footprint.
  • Higher return on investment (ROI): When modernizing to smart operations, the efficiency of robotics helps industrial organizations recover investment costs faster. Implementation usually requires minimal change to existing production layouts and a smaller footprint, reduced setup time, lower operational costs, and easy integration into existing systems all help increase ROI.

Schneider Electric’s innovative robotic solutions can fill the gaps and boost overall efficiency

When it comes to integrated robotic solutions, Schneider Electric offers a wide array of products, including deltacartesian, and SCARA robots. We innovate smart conveying with solutions like our Lexium MC12 multi-carrier system, and our digital twin solution for machines, EcoStruxure Machine Expert Twin, enables robotic solutions to be designed and virtually tested before real-world implementation, at the start of a project or when adding to an existing system. This helps optimize design and minimize potential errors which could impact overall safety and performance.

Our latest addition, the Lexium Cobot (collaborative robot), has been specifically designed with safe human-robot collaboration in mind.

These cobots perform uniquely gentle and diligent movements using dynamic torque and speed monitoring and have in-built features such as sensitive collision to reduce the risk of incidents when working alongside humans. Workers can also quickly ‘teach’ the robot where to move, what to pick up, etc., without the need for extensive programming.

With increased productivity and process optimization, Lexium Cobot achieves maximum results with minimum costs. Errors are minimized, safety is maximized, employees have more time to innovate, and productivity increases, ultimately leading to improvements in overall operation.

Embracing the future of work alongside robots

It’s becoming very clear that to stay competitive in the evolving industrial landscape, businesses must embrace the collaborative potential of human-robot interaction and the efficiency gains they offer. By adopting robotic technology, industries can optimize processes, enhance productivity, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

As we move toward Industry 5.0, we believe the synergy between human talent and ingenuity and robotic speed and precision will continue to be a defining factor in the future of industrial automation, driving innovation and fostering the next era of intelligent and energy-efficient manufacturing.

Ready to start reaping the benefits of adding robotics to your operations?

Get more information on Schneider Electric’s robotics solutions

Access Schneider Electric’s Robotics e-guide

Download the IDC Paper: The Rapid Pace of Industrial Robotic Integration

Schneider Electric press release: Digitalization is creating new technology jobs in industries

Tags: cartesian robots, delta robots, EcoStruxure Machine Expert Twin, industrial robots, Industry 4.0, industry 5.0, Lexium Cobot, Lexium MC12, robots, smart factories, Workforce Empowerment


Cappotto termico edifici storici: come installarlo senza danni estetici


cappotto termico sugli edifici storiciImmagine di freepik

In Italia sono oltre 3 milioni gli edifici costruiti prima del 1945

( – L’italia vanta un patrimonio immobiliare storico tra i più rilevanti a livello europeo con più di 3 milioni di edifici costruiti prima del 1945. Come abbiamo imparato a nostre spese, questo incredibile valore aggiunto può essere un’arma a doppio taglio se non correttamente manutenuto ed efficientato. Per aiutare i proprietari in caso di intervento di riqualificazione con cappotto termico su edifici storici, il consorzio Cortexa ha elaborato un nuovo manuale pratico di grande utilità.

Efficientare l’esterno proteggendo la facciata

L’efficientamento richiesto a livello europeo andrà a coinvolgere anche gli edifici storici. Un intervento di riqualificazione su questo tipo di immobili richiede una approfondita analisi preliminare volta a ricostruire la storia dell’edificio, la verifica di eventuali vincoli a cui è sottoposto e l’impiego di materiali compatibili con quelli esistenti. Ecco perché l’isolamento termico dell’edificio dall’esterno tramite un Sistema a cappotto può rivelarsi la soluzione giusta per coibentare la superficie disperdente, ma anche per proteggere le facciate da patologie o microrganismi.

La guida Cortexa dedicata al restauro energetico con Sistema a Cappotto termico degli edifici storici si inserisce in questo contesto, mettendo a disposizione dei tecnici un manuale d’uso gratuito ed estremamente intuitivo.

Cappotto termico: la soluzione giusta per non compromettere l’estetica

Un intervento di riqualificazione energetica, che prevede l’applicazione di un Sistema a Cappotto su un edificio storico, deve seguire una serie di passaggi ben precisi, indispensabili per svolgere al meglio i lavori:

  • si parte con un’attenta analisi dell’esistente, identificando eventuali problematiche e recuperando tutte le possibili informazioni sull’edificio, come precedenti interventi che si sono susseguiti nel tempo;
  • si procede con la valutazione delle possibilità applicative di messa in opera del Sistema a Cappotto;
  • si passa alla progettazione accurata dell’intervento;
  • per concludere con l’approvazione e collaborazione con la Soprintendenza ai beni culturali.

Fattibilità dell’intervento

Una volta che si è accertata la fattibilità dell’intervento è necessario procedere con una valutazione preliminare della stratigrafia del supporto, un punto indispensabile per poter scegliere correttamente i materiali da impiegare:

  • Pannelli isolanti in lana minerale o in fibre naturali caratterizzati da elevata permeabilità al vapore acqueo hanno una perfetta compatibilità con edifici storici. Per l’incollaggio e la rasatura dei pannelli isolanti, i collanti-rasanti a base minerale sono i prodotti più utilizzati e idonei.
  • Per la rete d’armatura valgono le regole tecniche per il Sistema a Cappotto: impiego di una specifica rete in fibra di vetro, alcali resistente, facente parte del sistema, che contribuisce all’irrobustimento dello strato di rasatura.
  • Per la scelta del tassello e il corretto dimensionamento del numero di fissaggi possono essere effettuati in situ specifici test di pull-out per valutare la resistenza all’estrazione dei tasselli in base alle resistenze dei vecchi supporti murari.
  • Per l’intonaco di finitura si raccomandano rivestimenti con caratteristiche leganti silossaniche o ai silicati con effetto minerale opaco, con limitazione di utilizzo di resine di natura organica e in particolare acrilica. La scelta del colore della finitura deve essere fatta sulla base di ricerche e indagini storiche sul territorio, analizzando le cromie utilizzate nel contesto in cui si interviene. Oltre a ciò, sarà necessario studiare in modo corretto lo schema cromatico dell’edificio al fine di applicare il colore senza alterare il rapporto tra ordine architettonico e fondo murario.

La guida al restauro energetico con Sistema a Cappotto termico degli edifici storici può essere scaricata al seguente link.

Articolo precedenteComunità Energetiche Rinnovabili in Italia, a che punto siamo?


How energy management and automation innovations reduce costs for indoor growing farm sites

Author: Schneider Electric

This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services

Our planet is facing a global food production and distribution system challenge. The UN forecasts a global population increase of nearly 2 billion over the next 30 years. Food production must increase by 70% without impacting the environment.

A woman wearing an apron holds up a head of lettuce. She’s standing in the middle of rows and rows of lettuce, which are grown at waist height on a table in an indoor vertical farming facility.A woman wearing an apron holds up a head of lettuce. She’s standing in the middle of rows and rows of lettuce, which are grown at waist height on a table in an indoor vertical farming facility.Quality control is critical to the success of vertical farming. Modern facility management software gives growers the tools to enable remote monitoring and predictive maintenance and readily access reports that optimize environmental conditions.

Consider the example of the nation of Singapore. Given the many competing land needs of the densely populated island nation, only 1% of Singapore’s land is set aside for farming, according to the Singapore Food Agency. Singapore’s agri-food industry will be significantly challenged to uplift its productivity in the coming years. To overcome land and resource constraints, some farmers use indoor multi-story LED lighting and recirculating aquaculture systems to produce 10 to 15 times more than traditional farms.

Transitioning from traditional farming approaches will require novel processes and innovative food-growing technologies. The work to address this challenge has already begun with the emergence of multiple new food cultivation methods. These include:

Indoor Growing

  • Indoor growing is also known as controlled environment agriculture. An indoor growing system enables the cultivation of certain crops year-round with a low risk of damage from weather, pests, or diseases.

Vertical farming

  • Vertical farming is a subset of indoor growing. Vertical farms reduce the space needed for cropland by using vertically stacked shelves of growing plants that use mainly artificial light in a fully enclosed environment.

Insect farming

  • This cultivation process raises and breeds insects as livestock in highly controlled environments. Insect farming produces goods for use as food, feed, or dyes—like silk, honey, or tea, for example.

High automation greenhouses

  • These are glass or plastic structures that use mostly natural light. They are highly automated to control temperature, lighting, water flow, airflow, and disease and mold detection with little direct human involvement.

Such approaches lay the groundwork for a new generation of sustainable food systems that can support the growing world population. The field of indoor growing represents a significant step forward in transitioning to more sustainable farming methods.

Indoor growing places crops in a protective building, greenhouse, box, or container and controls the growing environment within the confines of that indoor plant. The light, water, and nutrients provided enable the crop to grow year-round under optimal conditions. Such facilities can produce multiple layers of different crops in the same facility. The protected space limits damage from weather and is much more effective for shielding crops from pests, diseases, and mold. Environmental controls drastically limit losses and reduce the amount of fertilizer and freshwater needed (by virtually eliminating dehydration effects from high temperatures or dry weather, and the water can be more easily recycled).

Since traditional farming grows crops only at the ground layer, vertical farming can multiply production over a given area by 6 to 10 times. Indoor growing also extends growing seasons from only a few months to year-round. A smaller footprint makes it easy to establish vertical farms near major population centers or even on the flat roofs of buildings within metropolitan areas. This drastically reduces the rate of CO2 emissions derived from the typical transportation of agricultural goods across long distances. Since food grown near population centers spends less time in the transportation cycle, spoilage rates are much lower.

Strategies for establishing profitable indoor growing operations 

The relatively new indoor growing industry is characterized by a mix of entrepreneurial start-ups, traditional corporate agriculture players, and food retailers. Many organizations seek funding options while others are fine-tuning the profitability of their operations. According to Statista, vertical farming is a €5 Billion global business growing at a rate of 24% per year. However, the business must overcome numerous challenges to grow and drive higher profitability rates. These include:

High-precision energy management

  • In an indoor growing environment, energy use can range from 50-70% of the cost of goods sold. Integrating energy and automation can help reduce total expenditure, optimize operations, and reduce the organization’s carbon footprint. The sourcing of energy is also essential. Adding solar panels, wind turbines, and access to renewables-sourced utility energy further minimizes carbon footprint.

Power quality and power conversion efficiency challenges

  • Ensuring optimal power quality and conversion efficiency are fundamental to creating sustainable and enhanced growth conditions within indoor growing environments. Integrating Direct Current (DC) Systems approaches will facilitate efficient power distribution. Unlike conventional AC systems, it minimizes losses by employing DC converters that connect LED luminaires directly, bypassing any intermediate conversions. This approach also allows for seamless integration of renewable energy sources, which inherently use DC, thereby leading to enhanced system efficiency, reduced capital expenditure from lesser copper usage, and lower operational costs. This approach adheres to guidelines established by the CurrentOS foundation to ensure system safety and compliance.

Environmental controls

  • Vertical farming facility owners must have the means to measure the growing parameters of their crops. Some significant parameters include humidity, temperature, PH balance, yield, and value. Devices such as smart environmental and HVAC systems combined with software make this possible and enable remote monitoring and predictive maintenance. With the right software, easy-to-interpret dashboards can summarize key data elements and generate reports that help optimize growth and crop outputs. 

Machines, robotics, and cobots

  • Indoor-growing stakeholders are also adopting technological innovations such as robots and cobots. These human/machine collaborative robots can help reduce the repetitive, manual tasks required of human farm workers. They can also quickly adapt to variations in production. They help address physically demanding tasks (like lifting and moving heavy items) and enable rapid production (for fresher goods) while maintaining 24-hour plant operation.

Lighting controls

  • Vertical farms use both artificial and natural light. However, using typical LED lighting is costly to purchase upfront and consumes high levels of electricity. Finding the right development partners, forming tight partnerships with energy suppliers, and minimizing energy costs through management tools such as EcoStruxure Microgrids can reduce energy expenses.

Water and nutrient optimization

  • Managing the right mix of water and nutrients can be tricky, especially if different plants are grown on different stacked layers of crops. Designers must develop automated control systems to distinguish when to supply water and nutrients. The systems must also determine the appropriate nutrient-to-water ratio for each type of plant.

Crop monitoring, data analysis, and a centralized data model

  • Quality control is critical to the financial success of the indoor grower. Modern facility management software is an important driver of operational efficiency. New management systems marry data collection and artificial intelligence (AI) in multiple ways. For example, cameras can provide close-up visuals of crops, and AI software can detect issues. Detecting problems like pests or mold early means treatment is administered before the damage becomes severe. Using centralized data platforms and enabling knowledge transfer from one indoor growing site to another through AI makes building, installing, and operating in multiple locations easy and cost-effective.

Knowledgeable partners are critical to success 

Companies like Schneider Electric support the development of indoor growing and vertical farming in multiple ways. We provide microgrid products and services that help to balance energy supply and demand, minimizing costs through energy storage and enhancing the ability of the operation to integrate a renewable energy supply. Our experts help select the type of energy needed based on cost and carbon footprint requirements.

We also offer energy as a service (EaaS) arrangements that help indoor growing operations avoid high upfront CapEx investments in energy infrastructure while maintaining a high level of energy consumption control. Schneider Electric water and wastewater experts can advise on coordinating water processing and energy to optimize performance while lowering costs. Our building management systems also offer centralized and remote operations control through one pane of glass for easy and efficient facility operations management. Automation teams can propose flexible hardware and software solutions that span from simple temperature sensors to comprehensive automation software solutions. Our open automation architectures make it easy for vertical farmers to overcome constraints and accommodate local environments. They can do this without spending valuable time and energy integrating new software.

Read this interview with Don Wingate about urban farming and community-supported agriculture for more information. To learn more about market-ready solutions, visit our Food & Beverage segment page. You can also download our webinar “Vertical Farming: The Future of Agritech” or read this article by Lisa Causarano about using smarter energy management to combat climate change.

Tags: automation, energy management, indoor growing, Sustainability, vertical farming


Cattura diretta CO2 dall’oceano: Singapore toglie CO2 e produce idrogeno


Cattura diretta CO2 dall’oceano: Singapore toglie CO2 e produce idrogenocrediti: Equatic

Dal 2025 sarà in grado di sequestrare 110mila tonnellate di CO2 dall’oceano l’anno

( – Dopo un anno di test è pronto a entrare in funzione il più grande impianto al mondo per la cattura diretta di CO2 dall’oceano. Partirà a fine 2024 e una volta a regime, all’inizio del 2025, sarà in grado di sequestrare 110mila tonnellate di CO2 dall’oceano, l’equivalente delle emissioni generate ogni anno da circa 25mila persone. E le intrappolerà nel calcare in forma solida, garantendo che non rientrino in atmosfera per almeno 10.000 anni.

È l’obiettivo di Equatic-1, l’impianto da 20 milioni di dollari abbinato a un desalinizzatore dell’agenzia nazionale dell’acqua di Singapore (PUB) che sfrutta la tecnologia della startup statunitense Equatic per la cattura diretta di CO2 dall’oceano. Si tratta del primo test su scala commerciale dopo l’esito positivo dei due impianti pilota, uno presso lo stesso sito e l’altro installato al porto di Los Angeles da aprile 2023.

La cattura diretta della CO2 dall’oceano di Equatic-1

Come funziona il processo di cattura diretta di CO2 dall’oceano di Equatic? L’acqua di mare viene pompata nell’impianto di desalinizzazione dove viene separata in idrogeno e ossigeno tramite elettrolisi. La CO2 disciolta e catturata viene quindi combinata con minerali già presenti nell’acqua di mare, calcio e magnesio, producendo così calcare solido al cui interno è intrappolata la CO2. Che può restare in quello stato per almeno 10.000 anni. Il processo imita, sostanzialmente, quello che porta alla formazione delle conchiglie.

E sottraendo CO2 all’acqua di mare, ne aumenta la capacità di assorbimento dall’atmosfera, migliorando le prestazioni dell’oceano come pozzo di carbonio e la funzione di cuscinetto essenziale contro il riscaldamento globale. Gli oceani oggi assorbono circa il 25% della CO2 in eccesso presente in atmosfera a causa delle attività umane.

Il calcare solido ottenuto può quindi essere reimmesso nell’oceano oppure – previ test di fattibilità per valutarne le caratteristiche fisiche – essere utilizzato come materiale per l’edilizia. Ma il calcare non è l’unico sottoprodotto di questo processo. Dalla cattura diretta di CO2 dall’oceano si ottiene anche idrogeno – nell’impianto di Singapore saranno all’incirca 300 kg al giorno. Che potranno essere impiegati sia per alimentare l’impianto di desalinizzazione stesso, sia in altre applicazioni industriali.

“Questo impianto rappresenta il prossimo passo fondamentale verso la rimozione dell’anidride carbonica su scala globale e a un prezzo competitivo”, afferma Lorenzo Corsini, consulente di Equatic. “Siamo sulla buona strada per fornire un reattore elettrochimico replicabile e facile da produrre, il cuore pulsante della nostra tecnologia CDR, che porterà i costi di rimozione al di sotto dell’obiettivo industriale di 100 dollari per tonnellata ben prima del 2030”.