
Accumulo: Exide Technologies acquisisce BE-Power


Exide Technologies

Unione di competenze per soluzioni di accumulo di energia esistenti e nuove 

Exide Technologies, leader internazionale nelle  soluzioni di accumulo di energia, annuncia l’acquisizione di BE-Power GmbH, azienda  specializzata in soluzioni a batteria ad alta potenza e ad alta tensione, con sede a Fernwald, in  Germania. BE-Power è ora entrata a far parte della divisione Energy Solutions di Exide  Technologies. Con questa partnership strategica le due aziende uniscono i loro punti di forza con  l’obiettivo di favorire innovazione e investimenti in segmenti di mercato avanzati nell’impiego di  batterie agli ioni di litio. L’impegno costante di Exide Technologies a favore dell’innovazione è  dimostrato dalla sua divisione Energy Solutions (ES), una realtà estremamente avanzata nello sviluppo di soluzioni di accumulo energetico sostenibili ed efficienti, progettate su misura per  soddisfare le mutevoli esigenze dei più diversi settori industriali. 

BE-Power GmbH, fondata nel 2004, è una realtà sinonimo di batterie e moduli di alimentazione progettati e prodotti in Germania e ha guadagnato un’ottima reputazione per il suo lavoro  innovativo nella tecnologia agli ioni di litio. Il Dr. Volker Klein, fondatore di BE-Power, ha oltre 30  anni di esperienza come innovatore nella tecnologia agli ioni di litio. Sotto la sua guida, BE-Power  ha sviluppato un sistema proprietario di gestione delle batterie (BMS) di cui ha progettato sistema  e software. “Sono consapevole che il panorama del settore sia in costante evoluzione e per  questo considero Exide Technologies un partner ideale per espandere la nostra realtà a livello  globale e per gestire opportunità future di sviluppo”, ha affermato il Dr. Volker Klein. 

“Siamo entusiasti di accogliere BE-Power GmbH nella famiglia Exide Technologies”, ha  dichiarato Stefan Stübing, CEO e Presidente di Exide Technologies. “Questa acquisizione  strategica rafforza il nostro impegno ad ampliare i confini delle tecnologie di accumulo  dell’energia. L’unione dell’eccellenza di Exide con le soluzioni innovative di BE-Power ci porterà  senza dubbio a raggiungere nuovi traguardi nella fornitura di soluzioni di accumulo energetico  sostenibili e all’avanguardia per i nostri clienti.”

About Exide Technologies

Exide Technologies ( è un fornitore leader di soluzioni avanzate e  sostenibili per l’accumulo dell’energia per applicazioni automotive e industriali. Con 135 anni di  esperienza, Exide ha sviluppato e commercializzato a livello globale batterie e sistemi innovativi,  contribuendo alla transizione energetica e guidando un futuro più pulito. La gamma completa di  soluzioni al piombo e agli ioni di litio di Exide è destinata a diverse applicazioni, tra cui le batterie  a 12 V per veicoli a combustione ed elettrici, le batterie di trazione per la movimentazione dei  materiali e la robotica, le batterie stazionarie per la fornitura di energia elettrica ininterrotta, le  batterie per le telecomunicazioni, l’accumulo di energia davanti e dietro il contatore, le batterie di  propulsione per i sottomarini e altro ancora. La cultura e la strategia di Exide Technologies sono  incentrate sul riciclaggio, sulla sostenibilità e sulla responsabilità ambientale, a testimonianza del  nostro impegno a essere una realtà imprenditoriale affidabile.  

L’azienda ha 10 impianti di produzione e 3 di riciclaggio in tutta Europa, che assicurano resilienza  e una bassa impronta di CO2 con una catena di fornitura locale. Exide Technologies è impegnata  in un’attività di progettazione e produzione di qualità superiore. Con un team di 5.000 dipendenti,  forniamo ogni anno soluzioni e servizi di accumulo di energia per 1,6 miliardi di euro a clienti di  tutto il mondo. 

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First TikTok LiveVideoChat during an afternoon outdoors walk

Ups,Today I cut myself with my new, sharp razor and then dabbed it with a lint-filled handkerchief, so that two pieces of white handkerchief lint remained on my chin that I hadn't noticed.

I am still pretty ill and have a huge vertigo and I always am bad on my feet and sometimes almost tip over..but I have to go walking I was told by the doctors ..

in the Video was looking for these words , but did not remember die to my dementia:
THOR – Live Thunderstorm generator demonstration under load in Technopark, Zurich conference hall

In the evening, the Thunderstorm generator was tested with a fan heater (and 25W UVB100 bulb) in the energy conference room at the Technopark in Zurich
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Innovation Summit Paris 2024: Innovation for Impact

Author: Schneider Electric

This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services

In 2024, calls for sustainability and a more efficient use of resources echo louder than ever before. Against this backdrop, we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, unlocking new possibilities to streamline complex operations, minimize waste, and evolve entire industries. This year, we’re thrilled that Schneider Electric’s Innovation Summit 2024, our flagship event, will unfold in a city renowned for innovation and culture, Paris. 

This April 3-4, attendees will enjoy an immersive experience and in-depth demonstrations of the latest technology for energy management and automation. Innovation Summit Paris 2024 is designed for those eager to stay at the forefront of industry trends, to discover ground-breaking advancements and hear from global thought leaders working to drive sustainability and digital transformation forward. 

Logo for the Innovation Summit Paris 2024. Text reads 'Make your IMPACT'

Innovation for Impact 

Schneider Electric is leading the charge toward a more sustainable and connected future. At Innovation Summit 2024, our CEO, Peter Herweck, will discuss the megatrends reshaping our environments. From the rapid pace of digitization to the imperative of electrification and the transformative potential of automation, Peter will share real-world stories and compelling data on how Schneider Electric, in collaboration with its partners and customers, is leveraging these trends to effect meaningful change.  

Amid dual climate and energy crises, we’re facing both challenges and opportunities. In this critical moment, ambition meets innovation for impact. We’ll discuss the solutions and technologies — digital twins, advanced data analysis, and enhanced connectivity — designed to empower prosumers and catalyze societal and environmental change. 

What can you expect from the 2024 Innovation Summit Paris 2024?  

  • Insights from thought leaders and innovators: Get inspired by hearing strategic viewpoints from a lineup of Schneider Electric senior executives, as well as partners and customers. Engage in compelling discussions on pivotal topics like the path to net-zero buildings, the AI infrastructure revolution, and the future of prosumers in a new electric world. 
  • A first-hand look at Schneider’s innovative technologies: Gain exclusive access to guided tours of our Innovation Hub. Here, we’ll be showcasing the technologies that are shaping the future of our industries, from AI-driven home energy management systems to the latest in sustainable grid automation solutions. 
  • Opportunities to get together and network: The Innovation Summit is the perfect environment to connect with peers, industry experts, and potential partners. It’s a chance to share ideas, forge new relationships, and explore how, through collective efforts, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. 
  • Actionable strategies for tomorrow’s challenges: Dive deep into an extensive range of strategy talks and expert learning sessions that open up tangible opportunities available today to tackle our most pressing challenges. From addressing grid constraints to leveraging AI and digital twins, learn about actionable strategies to empower your organization’s future. 

All this will help you navigate through and redefine the role of innovative technologies in harnessing the transformative power of digitalization and propel us toward achieving energy efficiency and a more sustainable future.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation at the forefront of energy management and automation. Click here to learn more about the Innovation Summit Paris 2024, including virtual options to view Peter Herweck’s keynote live. Start your journey toward a more sustainable, resilient, and innovative future. Start your journey toward a more sustainable, resilient, and innovative future. 

Tags: impact makers, innovation summit, megatrends


Pannolini Biodegradabili: il segreto è negli scarti agricoli


pannolini biodegradabiliFoto di Šárka Hyková su Unsplash

I pannolini biodegradabili utilizzano proteine come la zeina, ottenuta dal mais e il glutine del grano

( – Al meeting primaverile dell’American Chemical Society, sono stati presentati ieri diversi progetti interessanti. Ma ce n’è uno particolarmente notevole, che vede coinvolto Antonio Capezza, ricercatore del KTH Royal Institute of Technology di Svezia. Riguarda il lavoro fatto per produrre pannolini biodegradabili e provare a rispondere a un problema ambientale di prima grandezza. 

Di solito infatti i pannolini sono articoli monouso, così come gli assorbenti. I ricercatori però sono riusciti a sostituire le plastiche che li compongono con materiali sostenibili e biodegradabili a base di proteine derivate da scarti agricoli. Introducendo questi materiali assorbenti, il team vuole fornire un’alternativa sostenibile anche per chi preferisce prodotti monouso rispetto a quelli lavabili.

Il progetto è nato da una scoperta accidentale durante una dimostrazione in laboratorio. I pannolini biodegradabili utilizzano proteine come la zeina, ottenuta dal mais e il glutine del grano. Insieme ad esse, si adottano altre molecole naturali per creare componenti assorbenti. I materiali vengono miscelati e processati utilizzando tecniche che l’industria della plastica già impiega per dare vita a pellicole e materiali a strati assorbenti.

I prototipi hanno dimostrato una biodegradabilità promettente. I prossimi tentativi hanno l’obiettivo di ottenere prodotti da smaltire nel WC o compostabili. In questo secondo caso, sarebbe perfino possibile utilizzarli come fertilizzante per nuove colture. Come ha spiegato il ricercatore italiano, “essendo a base di proteine, non c’è alcun rischio che questi prodotti inquinino il terreno con microplastiche o altre sostanze chimiche indesiderate quando si decompongono”.

Sebbene i prodotti a base di proteine possano costare leggermente di più rispetto a quelli tradizionali (dal 10 al 20%), secondo i ricercatori offrono prestazioni simili con maggiori benefici ambientali. L’intenzione è ora esplorare la lignocellulosa derivata dai sottoprodotti vegetali per migliorare l’assorbimento e la resistenza meccanica. Studi pilota sono in corso anche per valutare la scalabilità: insomma, ci vuole tempo prima che questi prodotti possano entrare sul mercato.


EcoStruxure IT Evolves DCIM with Model Based, Automated Sustainability Metric Reporting at the Click of a Button

Author: Schneider Electric

This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services

I recently presented on how CIOs can leverage data center infrastructure management (DCIM) software, and our EcoStruxure IT offer to comply with new sustainability reporting requirements and one statistic in the presentation stayed with me long after I had stopped talking.

Gartner reports that 80% of CIOS will have performance metrics tied to the sustainability of the IT organization in just a few years – by 2027. 

Regulations on IT are increasing worldwide. The E.U. is leading the globe but it is not alone. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved a rule that will require some public companies to report greenhouse gas emissions. The 80% statistic stayed with me in the context of this statistic: Only 43% of executives say they are aware of their organization’s IT footprint.

So, 80% of CIOs will have performance metrics tied to the sustainability of their IT but only 43% of execs know the IT footprint of their organization. But it’s not surprising because what we have heard from our customers over the years is that reporting PUE seems straightforward but it’s not simple, measuring improvement is a challenge, and data needs to be more easily accessed and exported. They told us it can be difficult to understand where and how to get started and new regulations require a lot more than PUE reporting.

All of that is about to change.

Introducing new sustainability features for fast, intuitive, and simple-to-use reporting

I am thrilled to introduce new model based, automated sustainability reporting features within our award-winning EcoStruxure IT DCIM software. Starting in April, all EcoStruxure IT users will have access to a new set of reporting capabilities, which traditionally had required deep technical understanding and manual data calculation methods.

Unlike anything available in the market, the new model offers customers a fast, intuitive, and simple-to-use reporting engine to help meet regulatory requirements, including the European Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). The new capabilities go beyond the EED-required metrics, ensuring customers can measure their data center’s real-time and historical energy performance data against all of the advanced reporting metrics specified within Schneider Electric’s White Paper 67. The Guide to Environmental Sustainability Metrics for Data Centers was released last year and it has become an industry go-to for sustainability reporting.

EcoStruxure IT software enables owners and operators to measure and report data center performance based on historical data and trends analysis, combining it with AI and real-time monitoring to turn it into actionable insights for improved sustainability. With the new download function, organizations can quickly quantify and report, at the click of a button – removing manual tasks and making it faster and easier to harness the power of data to reduce the environmental impact of their data centers.

Schneider Electric becomes a customer: A new era for Green IT

EcoStruxure IT has been tested and adopted by many organizations, including our own. In 2021, Schneider Electric released its Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSIs), publicizing the company’s sustainability commitments. Aligning with the SSI purpose, Schneider Electric’s CIO Elizabeth Hackenson kickstarted the company’s Green IT program – a sustainable, enterprise IT initiative that would identify new and intelligent decarbonization pathways to help the program achieve its objective of at least a 5% annual IT emissions reduction.

As part of the program, Schneider Electric utilized EcoStruxure IT software, which was deployed across more than 140 key sites globally to improve resiliency and security of its IT operations. Through Green IT, it became apparent that new capabilities within EcoStruxure IT could also be leveraged for greater sustainability, allowing Schneider Electric to dramatically improve the visibility of its IT energy consumption. By utilizing the insights from EcoStruxure IT, they were able to witness a 30% energy consumption reduction in H2 ’23 versus H1 ’23 in its Lexington, Kentucky, smart factory.

“Through the use of EcoStruxure IT, we have continued to make significant progress in our mission to reduce our IT energy consumption and environmental impact, and to help the company progress its sustainability objectives,” said Hackenson. “We’re now making those benefits readily available to customers globally.”

Learn more about the latest DCIM evolution with EcoStruxure IT

When one considers that 80% of CIOs will have performance metrics tied to the sustainability of their IT but only 43% of execs know the IT footprint of their organization, I am excited that we are in a position to help customers. This is another significant step toward our DCIM 3.0 vision as we capitalize on 20 years of sustainability, regulatory, data center, and software development expertise to meet these new challenges. To learn more about EcoStruxure IT’s new sustainability features and how they could help your organization, visit our website. And check out Alison Matte’s new blog on the growing web of sustainability regulations facing the data center industry.

Tags: DC Professional, DCIM, EcoStruxure IT, IT Professional, Kevin Brown, Sustainability