
[Podcast] Digital Career Tales: From Graduation to Innovation

Author: Schneider Electric

Next up on Season 2 of our ‘Own your Career, Own your Future’ podcast, is great follow on from our latest episode about digital careers – but in this time we’re approaching it from the perspective of the next generation and how they had started and are now growing their careers in the tech and the digital space!

We sat down with three remarkable early career talents who started their journey as graduates in the award-winning Middle East & Africa graduate program at Schneider Electric and have since become experts and innovators within digital roles. We dived into their experiences, why they chose to apply for Schneider’s graduate program, why Schneider Electric and why a digital career, what their careers look like now, and learnt how they’re contributing to Schneider Electric’s sustainability mission! 

Early careers talent working at computer with colleague

Given the constantly evolving nature of technology, one has an unlimited potential for learning. From cloud computing to artificial intelligence and machine learning, a digital career provides the opportunity to work on diverse projects and the chance to learn new skills. And as technology advances, the demand for tech talent will continue to grow which means a continued availability of jobs. So, no matter if you’re from a scientific background or a creative one, you’re in the right place to learn more!

Meet our guests

Emad Toubar
E-Commerce Analyst
Nour Mahmoud
IB Management & Data Analysis
Abdalla Ibrahim
Data Steward

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Tags: Careers, digital careers, next generation workforce, Podcast


Smart ports: How modernizing ports can reduce downtime risks

Author: Schneider Electric

Downtime in ports can cause widespread disruption

Ports are part of the world’s critical infrastructure and play a central role in the global economy – around 90% of traded goods are transported by ship each year. Many ports are on a continuous journey to support the upkeep of aging infrastructure and equipment.  Any unplanned downtime, such as that caused by equipment failure, negatively affects ports’ operations. It can also impact the entire supply chain.

Let’s look at one example. Cranes are essential for loading and unloading containers and cargo in ports. They operate in demanding conditions, including high ambient temperatures. If electrical components, such as an aged transformer, are not properly maintained, cranes’ motors could overheat. This could lead to widespread operational disruptions and failures, including disrupting ships’ stevedoring operations if cargo cannot be moved, which would derail their tight schedules. A disruption means an impact to companies (and people!) that need the goods inside the cargo.     

Digital technology enables real-time visibility into asset health as well as a condition-based maintenance approach

Ports are transforming into digitalized, connected smart ports by leveraging technology and modernizing existing equipment, infrastructure, processes, and systems. These changes help reduce ports’ downtime and make them easier to maintain over time. The technology used in smart ports includes connected devices, such as sensors, communication breakers and relays, remote software for monitoring and analysis, and digital services.

Data can be analyzed and used for monitoring day-to-day conditions. Monitoring using real-time data provides real-time understanding and visibility into operations’ and asset’ health.

Condition-based maintenance (CBM) also relies on data analytics. This maintenance strategy leverages data to anticipate and plan ports’ maintenance needs based on information about critical assets’ and processes’ health and functionality.  This knowledge can extend assets’ lifespans and make them easier to maintain because ports have information that lets them make data-based decisions. It also helps ports prevent potential asset failure while also reducing unnecessary maintenance.  For example, data can be used to control power and help identify abnormal temperatures, insulation faults, or power disturbances. Extending asset life not only reduces costs for maintenance, it also contributes to circularity by aiming to achieve the best use of equipment by maximizing its lifetime.

The electrical digital twin model is the foundation for real-time power systems analysis that aims to prevent risks of operational disruptions

Digital twins are virtual representations of physical assets and processes. They can be used for modeling, analysis, and simulation of various critical port assets in a virtual and safe environment. When electrical digital twins are implemented within the port’s electrical network, ports can design, simulate, and test any changes or expansions to their current electrical system prior to field implementation. This allows ports to track the devices and components being added into the electrical distribution system in real-time, resulting in more efficient documentation virtually and on paper.

One key feature of the electrical digital twin is to “simulate before operate.” Through simulation, ports and terminal operators can check for the validity of changes to the design, check for any potential issues that may arise, and simulate for worse case scenarios when changes have been implemented. Not only does this feature ensure the integrity of the overall electrical network, but it also establishes safety checks to minimize errors that may lead to equipment downtime. Simulations of the electrical network also promote efficiency by identifying the port’s critical loads and putting in place the corresponding demand response. This allows ports to respond more quickly to critical emergencies and allocate resources accordingly.

The electrical digital twin can also be used to keep track of the current state of the entire port electrical infrastructure using its SCADA feature. Traditional paper documentation becomes inefficient, especially when multiple revisions exist, and information is not updated regularly. This could result in errors and discrepancies with the designs and actual field installations. Electrical digital twins ensure that all port personnel can use the most up-to-date versions of plans and shop drawings, establish a single repository of documents by means of digital storage and minimize the risks caused by poor documentation.

The Port of Dover is using a digital twin to determine the feasibility of a green shipping corridor

The Port of Dover is conducting a study to determine the feasibility of a decarbonized, green shipping corridor on the Dover Strait. The project is using a digital twin to create a digital, scalable model of the port’s electrical infrastructure. Using a digital twin minimizes service disruptions because the port’s new shore power systems can be designed and virtually tested before they are built and integrated into the Port of Dover’s existing facilities.

A large UK port facility is another example of how ports are reducing some of their downtime risks using digital technology

A large UK port facility wanted to improve its power resiliency to reduce downtime, which was costing the portaround 200k€/hour. Optimizing maintenance was also a priority because the port must move nearly 2M TEU/year in a harsh coastal environment.

To help solve these problems, the port connected 300+ medium voltage assets, improved predictive and preventive maintenance plans, and improved electrical distribution network maintenance. By using these solutions, the port has benefited from improved electricity reliability and better maintenance.  The port plans to connect 600+ assets by the end of this project.

Learn more about how ports can minimize downtime by modernizing their assets

Ports can reduce downtime through better equipment maintenance. By modernizing using connected technology, ports can implement data-based condition-based maintenance, which helps identify problems, reduce failure risks, and extend asset lifespans. Ports operators and owners now have many options through modern technology and services to ensure that the world’s most important infrastructure is keeping up with the evolving demands of global trade.  Learn more about port modernization solutions. 

Tags: Digital Twin, downtime, Maintenance, power reliability, smart port


Il fotovoltaico in Cina supera tutte le aspettative: +216 GW nel 2023


Fotovoltaico in Cina

I nuovi numeri del fotovoltaico in Cina

( – Il 2023 non è stato un buon anno solo per il fotovoltaico italiano – che ha aggiunto alla rete 5,2 nuovi GW solari. Il settore ha dato prova a livello globale di poter crescere in maniera sana e costante. Ma ovviamente c’è chi ha fatto meglio di altri e che nella corsa alle rinnovabili continua ad oscurare gli altri concorrenti. Facile intuire il soggetto: la Repubblica Popolare cinese ha ancora una volta accelerato, chiudendo l’anno con un risultato record.

Secondo i dati forniti ieri dalla National Energy Administration (NEA) e riportati dall’Agenzia di Stampa Reuters il fotovoltaico in Cina avrebbe aggiunto in soli 12 mesi ben 216 GW di nuova capacità. Una crescita di oltre il 50 per cento sul risultato già ottimo del 2022, quando il Gigante asiatico aveva installato 87.41 GW di nuovi impianti solari. 

leggi anche Dalla Cina la batteria di flusso al vanadio del 40% più economica

La tendenza di per sè non sorprende più tanto. Le analisi di settore prevedono per il fotovoltaico cinese un futuro roseo nonostante una serie di ostacoli ancora non risolti dall’obbligo introdotto da alcuni governi locali di installare sistemi di stoccaggio accanto ai nuovi parchi solari e alle restrizioni nell’uso di terra e acqua per proteggere i terreni agricoli.

A dare una mano al comparto è anche l’industria manifatturiera. Secondo un rapporto Horizons di Wood Mackenzie, il costo di produzione dei moduli solari in Cina è sceso del 42% negli ultimi 12 mesi fino a raggiungere 0,15 dollari per watt. Un calo conveniente sia per la crescita interna che gli stessi fabbricanti che oggi possiedono un enorme vantaggio in termini di costi rispetto ai rivali internazionali.

Ma il fotovoltaico non è l’unico segmento verde ad essere cresciuto. Anche la capacità di produzione di energia eolica è aumentata del 20,7% a livello nazionale. Al punto che appare sempre più probabile che il target fissato dal Governo centrale di installare 1.200 GW di rinnovabili entro la fine di questo decennio, verrà raggiunto in anticipo. Cinque anni in anticipo. Nel complesso, riporta la NEA, la capacità totale di produzione elettrica  della Cina è cresciuta del 13,9% nel corso del 2023 raggiungendo i 2.919 GW di impianti in esercizio.

leggi anche Energie rinnovabili 2023, in Italia coperto 36.8% dei consumi


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Rifiuti Di Plastica: così l’Europa intossica il Vietnam


rifiuti di plastica
Foto di Anh Vy su Unsplash

L’Università di Utrecht mostra il lato oscuro del commercio internazionale dei rifiuti di plastica

( – In Europa siamo così bravi nel riciclo della plastica? La risposta non è di quelle che ci piacerebbe sentire. Infatti, circa la metà dei rifiuti di plastica prodotti in Europa viene esportata. Tra le destinazioni principali – dopo lo stop cinese del 2018 – c’è il Vietnam.

Lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore dunque? Non proprio. Almeno non è questo l’approccio adottato da un gruppo di ricerca dell’Università di Utrecht, che ha collaborato con colleghi vietnamiti per indagare sul processo di riciclo della plastica europea nel Minh Khai Craft Village, il più grande centro di riciclo del Vietnam. 

Le cose non vanno affatto bene, come emerge dalla loro inchiesta. I rifiuti non sono riciclati propriamente, ma stanno diventando un grave problema per le comunità locali. Qui, le persone vivono e lavorano circondate dai fumi tossici generati dalla plastica fusa.

La ricerca ha rilevato che 7 milioni di litri di acque reflue tossiche vengono scaricati ogni giorno nei corsi d’acqua del villaggio, con gravi impatti ambientali. Questo lavoro mostra il contrasto tra le politiche europee, che si concentrano sull’aumento dei tassi di riciclo, e la realtà dei centri di trattamento dei polimeri nel Sud del mondo.

I ricercatori esprimono preoccupazione per quello che si può definire un vero e proprio scaricabarile da parte delle aziende produttrici e dei commercianti di plastica sui villaggi. Le comunità locali, qui, devono portare il peso di inquinamento ambientale e conseguenze sanitarie. Le conclusioni dello studio sono inequivocabili: concentrarsi solo sull’aumento dei tassi di riciclo non è né etico, né circolare, né sostenibile.
Non significa demonizzare il Green Deal europeo, il Piano d’azione per l’economia circolare o i negoziati ONU per un Trattato globale sulla plastica. Ma non si può normare il settore senza contemporaneamente regolare il commercio dei rifiuti.