
VIDEO. C l’Hebdo : Gaspard Gantzer explique “l’angoisse” ressentie le soir du discours de François Hollande


Gaspard Gantzer se revient du soir où François Hollande a prononcé le discours dans lequel il annonçait qu’il ne briguera pas un deuxième mandat.

Gaspard Gantzer s’en souvient comme si c’était hier. Le 1er décembre 2016, le conseiller en politique de François Hollande interroge le président de la République afin de connaître ses intentions. Le socialiste se représentera-t-il pour briguer un deuxième mandat ? Le doute plane et dans les médias, il se murmure de plus en plus que François Hollande ne se risquerait pas à une nouvelle campagne.

“C’est une scène assez bizarre parce qu’on est tout les deux dans son bureau, se souvient Gaspard Gantzer dans “C l’Hebdo” diffusé samedi 2 décembre sur France 5. Je vois qu’il a des papiers posés devant lui. Il me dit ‘Alors, quand est-ce que je dois m’exprimer ?’ Je lui ai dit : ‘Je crois que la vraie question, c’est plutôt de savoir ce que tu vas dire ?'”

François Hollande lui répond alors “Je crois que l’on va vers une non-candidature”, comme le raconte l’ancien conseiller dans son livre “La politique est un sport de combat” paru aux éditions Fayard. “En revoyant les images tout à l’heure, je l’ai trouvé plus voûté, se souvient-il. On sent que ce moment est effroyable pour lui. Comme s’il était au bord du plongeoir et que jusqu’au dernier moment, il hésitait à sauter.” Le texte, il l’a écrit “lui-même à la main”. Gaspard Gantzer a eu l’information 48 heures avant le reste de la France. “Quand je me suis retrouvé dans le couloir jouxtant la salle dans laquelle le Président allait prononcer son discours, j’ai été saisi par une sorte d’angoisse en me disant ‘est-ce que ça va vraiment se passer ?'”


PDL Iconic picks up prestigious design award

Author: Xavier Lifran Schneider Electric Blog

PDL Iconic Best Design Award New Zealand

At Schneider Electric, it’s our mission to make our customers’ homes safer, more reliable, efficient, comfortable and sustainable. Australasia’s PDL Iconic™ electrical accessories range is a clear proof-point of this mission statement. As part of the Schneider Electric Group, PDL launched its Iconic range in October 2016 in a bid to establish itself as the new residential ‘standard’ in the wiring device market.  Packed with innovative features, this stylish electrical accessories range is based on a clean new design platform that is incredibly easy to customize and install, and blends in perfectly with a wide range of residential environments.

But don’t just take our word for it….

Almost exactly a year since its launch, PDL Iconic has scooped its first industry award, at the Best Design Awards. Conceived in 1988 by The Designers Institute of New Zealand, The Best Design Awards is Australasia’s largest annual showcase of excellence across graphic, spatial, product, interactive and motion design.

Gaining industry recognition

Hosted in Auckland on 6 October 2017, the PDL Iconic range was bestowed the prestigious ‘Gold’ Award in the consumer category, in which the Best Design category judge commented:

its seamless attention to detail, Lego-like ease of installation and user flexibility combined with impeccable production values made the Iconic series a winner. The system is aesthetically restrained and quietly elegant in a category where innovation and trade acceptance require powerful creativity and switched on user insight.”

Life Is On!

We invite you to discover the new residential standard in electrical accessories, that delivers clever efficiency to the home. Find out more about the annual Best Design Awards.


Paris Summit: Trump Gets The Cold Shoulder

Trump is out in the cold as world leaders prep for the next big Paris meeting about climate. With us is Tyson Slocum, Director of the Public Citizen Energy Program who helps us understand the growing concerns over climate change and regulation. Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:


progettista consulente venditore/venditrice

Author: Monster Job Search Results

LOM-Milano, ricerchiamo progettista consulente con esperienza come venditore / venditrice da inserire all’interno del nostro organico. il candidato dovrà collaborare nella gestione del punto vendita su tutti gli ambiti del processo di consulenza e vendita. sono titoli preferenziale la conoscenza di programmi di disegno tecnico ed esperienza nella progettazione di cucine.

Pc Games

voti di Edge: pesanti insufficienze per Star Wars: Battlefront e Need for Speed Payback

Author: Ultime news PC |

Arrivano i voti del nuovo numero di Edge, ovvero quello di gennaio 2018 secondo il particolare schema anticipato della rivista cartacea, e anche questi, come quelli del numero precedente, faranno probabilmente discutere.

Il mese scorso Edge aveva valutato appena sufficienti titoli celebrati altrove come Assassin’s Creed Origins, Gran Turismo Sport e La Terra di Mezzo: L’Ombra della Guerra, in questo caso arrivano invece delle vere e proprie stroncature. Dei sonori “4” sono stati assegnati a Star Wars: Battlefront II e a Need for Speed Payback, entrambi molto criticati per l’adozione delle micro-transazioni e del sistema di progressione legato a queste, secondo la redazione della rivista.

Stesso voto insufficiente anche a Hidden Agenda, mentre se la cavano con un buon 7 sia Xenoblade Chronicles 2 che Call of Duty: WWII.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 – 4
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – 7
Call of Duty WWII – 7
Need for Speed Payback – 4
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp – 5
Hidden Agenda – 4
Bury Me, My Love – 7
Million Onion Hotel – 8