
Moto goes blue

Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa 

Lenovo Moto has unveiled a stunning Sapphire Blue variant of the fifth generation Moto G smartphone, which is now available exclusively from O2, in store and online.

The Sapphire Blue metal design and high-end specs, the sculpted Moto G5 provides premium features without breaking the bank.

It comes with a with a 2800 mAh “all-day battery” and the 10W rapid charger gives your device hours of power in minutes.

The Moto G5 comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and 16GB storage, that will keep your life running smoothly, enjoy music, movies, apps and games on the go, with powerful graphics capabilities, and support for 4G LTE.

Its cameria is a fast-focusing 13 MP camera version with phase detection autofocus (PDAF) for sharper pictures, or captures lie in 1080p video.

It has Moto Actions which allow you to move the phone to turn things on, such as the flashlight and some of your key functions. 

The Sapphire blue Moto G5 will be available exclusively from O2 from £139.99 on Pay As You Go, and is available on O2’s  Refresh tariffs.

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Sistema operativo più usato: per la prima volta Android supera Windows

Sistema operativo più usato: per la prima volta Android supera Windows

Per la prima volta nella storia di entrambi i sistemi operativi, Android supera Windows come numero di installazioni totali a livello mondiale. Un paragone che una volta avrebbe avuto poco senso è oggi interessante.

Stando alle ultime statistiche firmate StatCounter, Android avrebbe superato Windows, per la prima volta nella sua storia, come sistema operativo più utilizzato al mondo.

Fino a qualche tempo fa avrebbe avuto poco senso paragonare un sistema operativo concepito principalmente per i dispositivi mobili con uno nato per i sistemi desktop.
Attorno ad Android e a Windows, però, stanno nascendo veri e propri ecosistemi di prodotti: basti pensare che Windows andrà presto anche sui device mobili a cuore ARM (Qualcomm svela i piani futuri: Snapdragon 835 sui PC Windows 10).

Sistema operativo più usato: per la prima volta Android supera Windows

Se un tempo paragonare Windows e Android sarebbe stato come confrontare le mele con le pere, oggi il confronto diretto acquista ormai una certa valenza.
Secondo StatCounter, Android sarebbe utilizzato sul 37,93% dei dispositivi attivi mentre Windows sul 37,91% del device. Il robottino verde, come si vede dal grafico, avrebbe quindi superato Windows.

Lato desktop, comunque, Windows è il sistema operativo più utilizzato con l’84% del mercato.

Dispositivi di dimensioni compatte come gli smartphone offrono la possibilità, ormai, di accedere a Internet senza un impegnativo esborso economico. Per questo motivo la crescita di Android è più vorticosa nei Paesi emergenti.



Android 7.1.2 Nougat rilasciato sui primi dispositivi

Dopo un periodo di beta test durato circa due mesi Android 7.1.2 Nougat sta facendo capolino sui primi dispositivi delle famiglie Nexus e Pixel. Al momento in cui scriviamo l’update è arrivato via OTA (quindi con l’installazione che avviene direttamente sul dispositivo) solamente su Pixel C e Nexus Player, con novità di certo non eclatanti. Si tratta, infatti, di un “maintenance update”.

Google chiama così gli aggiornamenti minori, quelli che non integrano novità di un certo peso o pesanti rivisitazioni nelle funzionalità presenti. L’aggiornamento è arrivato con un giorno di anticipo rispetto al ruolino di marcia su questi dispositivi, ed è probabile che per l’arrivo su smartphone in versione finalizzata non passerà molto tempo. Aggiorneremo la pagina con le novità in tal senso.

Android 7.1.2 Nougat non arriverà su Nexus 6P e il tablet Nexus 9, che comunque continueranno a ricevere aggiornamenti di sicurezza. Introduce Pixel Launcher su Pixel C e su alcuni smartphone come Nexus 5X le gesture tramite sensore di impronte. L’update è previsto solamente per i dispositivi Pure Google, mentre per i modelli personalizzati bisognerà aspettare molto di più.

Sebbene i produttori di terze parti si stiano impegnando sempre più per rilasciare aggiornamenti di sicurezza a cadenze regolari, per gli update delle versioni di Android c’è ancora un sensibile ritardo. Molti dispositivi di scorsa generazione sono ancora fermi a Marshmallow e la crescita di Nougat è consistente ma di certo non importante in termini assoluti.

Lo scorso mese Nougat è cresciuto del 133% ma a parecchi mesi dal debutto è ancora sul 2,8% dei dispositivi con Android in circolazione, mentre l’ultima versione (7.1) ha visto un aumento di solo il 33% raggiungendo lo 0,4% dei device. È probabile in altre parole che molti dispositivi non riceveranno mai questa versione di Android, che rimarrà quasi esclusiva dei Nexus e dei Pixel.

Per questi dispositivi è già disponibile anche la prima alpha di Android O, l’aggiornamento corposo che arriverà entro fine anno.

Autore: Le news di Hardware Upgrade


New Challenger Appears: Palit’s Own-Brand UVS and GFS SSDs Announced

Palit has announced two families of SSDs that it plans to sell under its own brand. The new drives are aimed at entry-level and mainstream gaming PCs, and will be based on controllers from Phison using 3D MLC or 3D TLC NAND flash memory from Micron depending on which drive you pick up. The Palit SSDs will be among the first drives on the market that will use a combination of a Phison controller and 3D NAND memory ICs from Micron, but we expect this combination to spread across several SSD vendors in due course.

Palit Microsystems is one of the world’s largest producers of graphics cards, but it is not entirely new to SSDs too. Palit’s GALAX and KFA2 brands have offered Phison-based SSDs for quite a while, but their lineups have never been large and the whole effort looked more like a brand development rather than an attempt to compete against much of the market. This time, Palit has announced two families of SSDs under its own trademark and with seven drives in total, it plans to address entry-level and mainstream gaming PCs. We do not know Palit’s plans in regards of higher-end drives in M.2 or add-in-card form-factors, but such products are available from other brands that Palit owns and it should not be a problem for the company to expand its own lineup if it needs to.

Palit will initially offer two families of SSDs: First is the Palit UVS family, featuring the Phison S3111-S11 controller and 3D TLC memory for entry-level gaming systems. Then second is the Palit GFS family, based on the same Phison S3111-S11 controller but with 3D MLC NAND flash.

Phison PS3111-S11 Controller Specifications
Interface SATA 3.2
NAND Channels 2
CE Targets 16
DRAM Cache Supported
Supported Capacities MLC Up to 1 TB
TLC 128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB, 1 TB
Supported NAND Toshiba 15 nm MLC/TLC
SK Hynix 14 nm MLC/TLC
Micron L06/B0KB

NAND flash memory with 8KB and 16KB blocks.

Additional Features Data Compression
End to End Data Path Protection

Before we start discussing the drives, let’s talk a little bit about the controller itself. Formally, the PS3111-S11 is positioned below the S10 because it has only two NAND channels with 16 CE targets and physically cannot deliver breakthrough performance. As it is a SATA controller, the PS3111-S11 does not have to deliver anything sequentially higher than 550 MB/s and this is something it can do with both MLC and TLC chips (sustained performance is a different comparison). The most important advancement of the controller versus its predecessors is that the PS3111-S11 supports LDPC ECC, and thus can be enabled on SSDs with sufficient endurance. Additionally, the PS3111-S11 supports 3D and 1z MLC/TLC NAND flash and memory with large (8 KB and 16 KB) blocks.

As for the drives, the Palit UVS family will include 120 GB, 256 GB, 480 GB and 512 GB models using 3D TLC NAND (except the 120GB, which is planar TLC). Depending on the model, the drives are rated to deliver up to 560 MB/s sequential read speed and up to 470 MB/s (370 MB/s for the 120 GB version) sequential write speed. As for random performance, the numbers on the box give 72,500 read IOPS and up to 85,000 write IOPS.

The Palit GFS lineup consists of three drives with 120 GB, 128 GB and 240 GB capacities all based on 3D MLC and offering all the endurance-related benefits of such memory. From a performance point of view, the GFS SSDs are slightly faster than the UVS drives: they are rated for up to 560 MB/s sequential read speed and up to 480 MB/s sequential write speed. Palit also states they can also perform up to 75,000 read IOPS and up to 87,500 write IOPS (240 GB version only). Palit may decide to expand the GFS lineup with higher-capacity offerings over time, but right now, its premium drives only offer entry-level capacities.

Palit UVS and GFS SSDs Specifications
Capacity 120 GB 256 GB 480 GB 512 GB 120 GB 128 GB 240 GB
Controller Phison S3111-S11
Sequential Read (max) 560 MB/s 525 MB/s 540 MB/s 560 MB/s
Sequential Write (max) 375 MB/s 470 MB/s 465 MB/s 450 MB/s 480 MB/s
Random Read IOPS (max) 70.0K 67.5K 72.5K 47.5K 75.0K
Random Write IOPS (max) 77.5K 85K 87.5K
DRAM Buffer 32 MB
Pseudo-SLC Caching Supported
Power Management DevSleep 5mW
Form-Factor, Interface 2.5″/7 mm, Serial ATA 3.2
Warranty 3 years

There are two intrigues about Palit’s SSDs: the memory supplier and actual manufacturer. Typically, Phison ships its controllers with memory and firmware and in many cases even provides assembly and test services (essentially, shipping already made drives). Despite this, Palit has enough SMT lines and can produce virtually everything itself. At present, we do not know whether Palit-branded SSDs are made by Palit, or are manufactured by a third party, but the latter is clearly a possibility here.

The supplier of the NAND is also not obvious and could come from different sources. Palit does not disclose who is their supplier, but it is worth noting that Phison usually ships its controllers primarily with memory from Toshiba. We do know that there are Phison PS3111-S11-based reference designs featuring Toshiba’s BICS2 memory (which is not exactly positioned for SSDs by Toshiba) as well as S11 drives with Micron’s 3D NAND memory. 

The Palit SSDs are expected to hit the market in the coming months. We do not have any information about their MSRP of the new drives, but it is logical to assume that Palit will try to make them competitive in terms of pricing.

Related Reading

Autore: AnandTech


Nintendo Switch hacks off Peta

Militant vegans up in arms over milking game

Nintendo fanboys have been hitting any story which claims that the console is not true perfection, but it appears now that they will have to take on the might of animal rights group PETA.

PETA, which is famous for its lack of a sense of humour, black and white views, and having a PR policy moderately less intelligent than the beagles it saves, has a beef with the milking game in 1-2-Switch is one of the package’s highlights.

PETA claims the title lacks realism and that it has “taken all the cruelty out of milking.” To make it more correct PETA thinks that it should have a few pictures of foetuses and cows with their organs turned inside out to put people off – pretty much like the idiot I had to ban from Facebook yesterday.

To be fair PETA hates Nintendo as much as sane people do not like Apple. It thinks that if it insults iconic things it will attract attention. Previously it used Pokémon to convince people to give up eating meat which shows you have effective the campaign was. The campaign was issued and people felt obligated to eat steak like packman eating dots.

All this campaign will do is make sure Nintendo fans drink more milk.

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